Richard Fink Sr nancydick at pennswoods.net
Thu Oct 13 06:24:12 PDT 2005

Thanks Henry.
R Fink

At 09:38 PM 10/11/2005 -0500, you wrote:
>On Tuesday 11 October 2005 06:34 pm, Richard Fink Sr wrote:
> > Thanks to Everyone for the information. When i checked there must be 50 or
> > so of them. On my old puter they would slow it down. I know some of them
> > but not all.
>This is a misconception, Cookies will NOT slow your computer down.  (At least
>not until you get into the billions of cookies.)   They are a concern only
>because they allow someone to track when you visit.  If you are completely
>unconcerned about privacy you never need to delete cookies, if you are
>paranoid (like me!) you will go through them often.
>As a rule I NEVER allow any ad site to set a cookie - these sites can 
>track me
>between all the sites I visit and get a picture (if they care) of what I am
>like.    The downside is this means they are less likely to learn that I'm
>uninterested in things like feminine hygiene products, but overall I consider
>the tradeoffs worth it.
>Other sites I allow to set a cookie on a case by case basis.  Only when a
>cookie is useful to me (not them, ME) will I allow it.   Need me to log in to
>your site?   If I'm willing to log in I'm willing to allow a cookie.   If I'm
>going to buy they will learn far more important things about me than a cookie
>can ever tell, so I will give it.    Just set a cookie for not obvious reason
>and I block it - but I'm paranoid about that.
>There is a lot of other spyware that can be very harmful to your 
>computer.  If
>you are running Mac OSX, Linux, Windows 2000, or Windows XP, and religiously
>install ALL the updates when they come out the large majority of the bad
>stuff that can get into your computer is blocked.   Do not run Windows 98 buy
>a new computer, or find a local expert to install linux for you.   (Linux is
>actually easier to use than Windows, but every once in a while you come
>across something that only an expert can do, while Windows would let you
>muddle through.
>I would recommend firefox over internet explorer if you haven't switched
>already.  It isn't perfect, but it blocks a lot of the bad things that try to
>get into your system.
>If you buy a new computer, get a Mac.   It isn't perfect, but it is much
>better for most people.
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