[Steam-engine] sand blasting a boiler

CopperheadMarine at aol.com CopperheadMarine at aol.com
Mon Oct 10 20:32:05 PDT 2005

That could be?
 I know when I sand blasted the Titusville boiler I found stampings  and 
markings that I had not seen before. But I never did find NB numbers or info  so I 
was sure it was pre code built.
 I think I read somewhere on the net that Titusville iron Co was out  of 
business early after the turn of the century. I guess that's why it doesn't  have 
a fusible plug or a Hand hole in the right place for one? Now that So. Ca.  is 
adopting codes That particular boiler is for private use only. But I have  
some other code boilers for the school kids to see so it's ok.
 It would take a while but you could use a needle scaler and go around  any 
I would like to come up with a better.. easier way to scrape flues on a  
vertical. I made a deal with a wire wheel on a die grinder with a short hose  with 
the valve at the end. You can feed it up the flue from the fire box but it  
is a mess and it kills your arms.

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