SV: [AT] Some ads from the 11/26 Lancaster Farming
charlie hill
chill8 at
Tue Nov 29 10:25:31 PST 2005
When I got to drive a Ford or MF 30 or the like as a kid it was like driving
a sports car compared to worn out AC B's and Farmall A's.
----- Original Message -----
From: "DAVID BRUCE" <davidbruce at>
To: <at at>
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 6:20 AM
Subject: Re: SV: [AT] Some ads from the 11/26 Lancaster Farming
> In a lot of things I would agree but the Frods have always been easy to
> steer in my experience. :)
> David
>> ...o if you have hard steering problems without a loader I would
>> think something is amiss.
>> Biceps? ;-)
>> -----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
>> Från: at-bounces at
>> [mailto:at-bounces at]För DAVID BRUCE
>> Skickat: den 29 november 2005 09:59
>> Till: at at
>> Ämne: RE: [AT] Some ads from the 11/26 Lancaster Farming
>> In my youth I drove a number of Fords (8N and 600 series) and I never
>> had a problem steering - in fact I always thought they were easy to
>> drive (no PS on any) so if you have hard steering problems without a
>> loader I would think something is amiss.
>> David
>> NW NC
>>> Dean,
>>> There is no loader on the tractor ... the only additional weight on
>>> the front end is a bumper, which I'd guess, weighs 40 to 50 pounds.
>>> Yes there is one place that I know of that could go dry and that is
>>> the steering box which is attached to the base of the steering column
>>> and sits on top front of the transmission. I am guessing the
>>> mechanism in the steering box is a rack and pinion. I filled this box
>>> with 90-wt gear lube sometime ago but we didn't notice any difference
>>> in the steering afterward. The front spindle bushings/bearings could
>>> be a source of the problem ... something I should check on. I changed
>>> these items (plus the spindles) on a Ferguson TO35 but that was
>>> because of excessive "wear/slop and not hard steering." I think what
>>> would also be helpful for us would be for someone really familiar with
>>> an 8N and how it handles to drive this one and get their opinion. I
>>> bought my first of two tractors with power steering (MF245 and MF35)
>>> three years ago so maybe this is all in our heads as we may be
>>> expecting the 8N to drive and steer like they do. But still we both
>>> think it steers harder than my Farmall MTA with WFE (no power
>>> steering).
>>> Dudley
>>> Snohomish, Washington
>>> Dudley:
>>> I know less than I should about 8N's but one complaint I haven't heard
>>> much is "hard steering". Is it possible you have some steering bearing
>>> issues? Isn't there a place in the steering column that can go dry?
>>> Or does it have a loader on it like my 861 did? To temporarily solve
>>> my 861 "hard steering" problem, I hooked up my JD 550 roto-tiller to
>>> the three point (Don't tell JD I did that! :-)). If I remember right
>>> the tiller weighs about 500 lbs. Man did that make a difference. I
>>> would have preferred a 1000 lb weight though!
>>> I chased the hard steering problem for quite some time, with help from
>>> some ATIS members. Even replaced the spindle bearings. Never solved
>>> the problem and was pretty convinced by others that it was the nature
>>> of the beast. I looked into the PS option and at the time didn't want
>>> to spend the $1200 bucks since I knew I could come out all right the
>>> way it was if I were to sell it. Adding another $1200 to it made it
>>> questionable.
>>> But the real reason I sold it was because it was dangerous for me due
>>> to my age and long legs. I had real trouble getting to the pedals when
>>> I needed to in a hurry. I had the seat all the way back but I still
>>> was just too far forward. I had figured out a way to jury rig a custom
>>> seat bracket so I could move the seat back further but I finally
>>> decided to sell it. Got a really good price for it and the buyer never
>>> called back so I guess he was happy too. I just grew to not liking it.
>>> So it was out of here.
>>> Dean A. Van Peursem
>>> Snohomish, WA 98290
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