[Steam-engine] boiler feedwater injector conection

Jeff Smith steamenginesmitty at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 6 15:22:01 PST 2005


I will agree with you on the use of a tee in that
location, and I am even considering doing that in a
few other locations.  I have even been told that the
code in Canada requires many areas to be plumbed like
that, but maybe someone could shed some more light on

Jeff Smith

--- Ken Majeski <fuller_johnson1 at msn.com> wrote:

> Well as long as were talking about feedwater iI
> would like to mention 
> something... I see many boilers at shows where the
> feedwater is piped to a 
> elbow at the boiler. You should always use a T or a
> cross there as that way 
> you can take out the plug and inspect and clean the
> nipple as in hard water 
> they can lime up pretty quickly. Also it will allow
> you to keep tabs on the 
> pipe condition there.
> I mention this to the people with the engines and
> they look at you like your 
> talking Greek or something...???
> Ken Majeski, Ellsworth Wis. Case Steam Engine, 
> Rumely Oilpulls H, F, & R. 
> Website, Http://www.pressenter.com/~kmajeski/

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