[AT] Cecil Monson
charlie hill
chill8 at cox.net
Sun Nov 6 11:46:52 PST 2005
Larry, I would like to have the archive that Cecil kept of messages from
the rest of us. That along with the messages he wrote would be priceless.
I have a lot of messages from Cecil and a picture that Lucille took of Cecil
and me somewhere on an old hard drive. It works and I have it in an
external case. I don't know how long it will take me to search through it
and find what I want.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Larry D. Goss" <rlgoss at evansville.net>
To: "'Antique tractor email discussion group'"
<at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 06, 2005 1:53 PM
Subject: RE: [AT] Cecil Monson
> This email may be viewed as being Off Topic, but be assured that I mean
> no disrespect in what I'm asking or suggesting.
> Rob, your comments remind me of the problem libraries and museums are
> wrestling with; namely, How do you archive materials that are "born
> digital". Many of us saved emails from Cecil over the years, and it
> would be a nice memory for us to have them available in some form. Both
> the ALA (American Library Association) and IMLS (Institute of Museum and
> Library Services) are trying to come to grips with how to preserve
> materials that never existed in print form. Obviously, they can simply
> be saved to a CD-ROM, but the question is: What format should the
> messages be in? Current thinking is focusing on the possibility that
> PDF format may be the most universal for the time being, but regardless
> of the format that is chosen, migration of the materials from format to
> format is something that has to be considered.
> Cecil's comments to us over the years could be considered in the same
> category as oral history is to genealogists. It would be nice to have a
> collection of his messages available in some form and at some location.
> Such a collection would require that someone take the interest and
> initiative to do it, and it would require some sort of clearing house or
> repository for gathering them all together. Is this something that ATIS
> can do?
> Larry
> -----Original Message-----
> From: at-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com
> [mailto:at-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com] On Behalf Of Rob Gray
> Sent: Sunday, November 06, 2005 11:25 AM
> To: Antique tractor email discussion group
> Subject: Re: [AT] Cecil Monson
> I've been on the list since '95 and I had kept many of the e-mails from
> Cecil, both to the list and ones he sent directly to me in response to a
> question I had asked. Unfortunately my hard drive failed about three
> years ago so all of my older saved e-mails are gone, although I have the
> more recent ones.
> The great thing about Cecil was that he could not only tell a very good
> story in an interesting way, but he also had a lot of knowledge to
> impart. He wrote very well and was a someone I really appreciated
> getting advice from.
> Rob Gray
> charlie hill wrote:
>> Dudley,
>> Cecil kept a file like that too. He loved the stories we told here on
>> the list and kept the best ones for future enjoyment.
>> Charlie
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dudley Rupert"
> <drupert at premier1.net>
>> To: "Antique tractor email discussion group"
>> <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
>> Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2005 10:15 PM
>> Subject: RE: [AT] Cecil Monson
>>> I've made a habit of filing those ATIS posts that I found most
>>> interesting/informative on my hard drive for quick access later on.
>>> Since
>>> February the 5th of 2002 when Cecil posted on Grain Elevators I've
> filed
>>> sixty-two of his posts and I've spent the past couple of hours
>>> re-reading
>>> them all. He certainly was a gifted man with a keen insight and an
>>> ability
>>> to communicate clearly on his wide-ranging interests. Just as some
>>> of us
>>> only got to know him in life through reading his E-Mails so we all
>>> will be
>>> able to remember him now through reading his E-Mails again ... these
>>> are a
>>> priceless legacy that he has left us all. I only wish I had of
>>> gotten to
>>> meet him in person.
>>> Our loss is Heavens gain ... my God comfort his wife and family
> through
>>> their hour of loss.
>>> Dudley Rupert
>>> Snohomish, Washington
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>>> Remembering Our Friend Cecil Monson 11-4-2005
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>> Remembering Our Friend Cecil Monson 11-4-2005
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> Remembering Our Friend Cecil Monson 11-4-2005
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