[AT] HELP!!!! Need some radiators
jahaze at aol.com
jahaze at aol.com
Fri Nov 4 06:49:27 PST 2005
Try Petes Salvage yard in North Daokota. I was there two weeks ago and he had three or four Massey 98's sitting in the parts yard. His number is 1-800-541-7383. Those big tractors were plentiful in his area.
-----Original Message-----
From: charlie hill <chill8 at cox.net>
To: Antique tractor email discussion group <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Fri, 4 Nov 2005 07:49:02 -0500
Subject: Re: [AT] HELP!!!! Need some radiators
Check with your local antique tractor pullers group and find out who is pulling with or building Massey 98 pulling tractors. Who ever took those probably knew exactly what they were.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Louis" <louis at kellnet.com>
To: "'Antique tractor email discussion group'" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2005 9:00 PM
Subject: [AT] HELP!!!! Need some radiators
>I am restoring 2 Massey 98's for a guy. These tractors are the same as an
> Oliver 990. They have a 3 cylinder Detroit in them.
> I had the radiators sitting out back of my shop for about 6 months. I > have
> never had a problem with anything being taken (stolen). Until about 2 > weeks
> ago. I had the radiators for the two 98's stolen sometime in the past two
> weeks. I went to all the local scrap yard within 35 miles of me. I
> couldn't find them. I have called all over trying to find a couple of
> radiators to replace them with. I don't care if the core is bad or not.
> That can be fixed.
> I need some help in locating two radiator in repairable condition. Any > help
> would be appreciated. I called Ollie Schaffer, Ken Giles, Mr. Harsin,
> Korves Bros. None of these people had any radiators available.
> Thank you,
> Thank You,
> Lou Spiegelberg
> Spiegelberg Restoration and Service, LTD.
> 440-965-7679
> mailto:sales at srstractor.com
> http://www.srstractor.com
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