[Farmall] Cima IH Paris Model FH 235

Mike Sloane mikesloane at verizon.net
Mon Nov 28 15:15:35 PST 2005

James Moran wrote:
> To whom it might, etc..... In the Rochester paper two tractors were
> offered for purchase.   One is a Massey Ferguson T030 w/3.0 @ $1800
Actually, there is no such thing as a "Massey Ferguson T030". It is a 
Ferguson TO-30, which is almost identical to the Ford 8N, except it has 
a 30 hp Continental engine and weighs about 2600 lbs. They came with a 
three point hitch standard. The TO-30 would make a reasonable snow 
machine if you added tire chains and a rear scraper blade. Rigging up a 
front blade would be somewhat of a challenge.

> and the other is a Farmall  "H" w/loader @ $1500.
The Farmall H is a 26 hp tractor weighing 3300 lbs, and the loader is 
likely to be the "trip bucket" type - when the loader is up, you pull on 
a rope to drop the contents of the bucket. These were most commonly used 
for handling manure in feed lots. That kind of loader had a very narrow 
bucket - usually 4' at the most. So, with tire chains, it might be good 
for cutting out drifts, but it wouldn't be worth much for clearing your 
long driveway.

   Obviously, I know
> that this is very  little information upon which to offer any kind of
> opinion, but I would  like to know what (any) of you think on the
> surface of it.  I live  in Rochester and the tractors are in
> Syracuse.  I have a call in  to the ower, but have not heard anything
> as of yet.  I don't know  the year of manufacture, the fuel (is the
> M/F diesel or gas, for  example) the basic condition, wide or narrow
> front, any other  implements, etc.
The "Fergie" is gas with a wide front end, while the H is most likely 
gas with a narrow front end (some were distillate fuel). The H did not 
have any kind of lifting hitch in back, unless someone fitted an 
aftermarket kit. The hydraulics on the H are of limited capacity and 
power and only work when the clutch is engaged (again, unless someone 
has fitted a pump from a later Super H). The TO-30 was made from 
1951-54, while the Farmall H was made from 1939-53. The prices 
advertised are about in line with what I have seen, but if either needs 
tires, figure on another $500 or so.


  Can you (at least) give a sketch
> of the power of these things?  I  would be interested in using one or
> the other to move some snow, so the  bucket thing is attractive to
> me. My thanks in advance. Jim Moran


Mike Sloane
Allamuchy NJ
mikesloane at verizon.net
Website: <www.geocities.com/mikesloane>
Images: <www.fotki.com/mikesloane>

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