[AT] Some ads from the 11/26 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
mikesloane at verizon.net
Sat Nov 26 15:19:49 PST 2005
Some of the more interesting ads from the (free to
subscribers) Mailbox Markets section of the weekly Lancaster (PA)
Farming newspaper for 11/26/2005. For the full listing, go to
<www.lancasterfarming.com>. [my comments, if any, are in brackets]
For Sale:
Cub Cadet 123 no mower runs good needs steering adjusted $200 cash,
after 6PM. York Co. 717-927-6070.
David Bradley reel mowers, front mowers, 5 Gravely super convertible,
saulky snow blower. St. Mary’s Co. 301-994-0926.
Dearborn 3pt, 6’ sickle mower, $200. Woods L59 belly mower for Super A,
like new condition, $1,000. Warren Co. 908-496-4409.
Dodge power wagon, 1949, 4x4, runs, clear title, 84 GMC diesel, 128,000
utility camper, ladder racks, $700 obo. Chester Co. 610-384-9205.
Economy tractor 18Hp w/ loader, dual trans., hydro. lift, Gravely 12 Hp.
comm. tractor, snow blower, Essex County, NJ 973-575-8381 after 5 PM.
tire chains that fit JD 265 riding mower tire size 23x10.5-12 Asking
$45. Montgomery Co. 215-206-3035. [This is for Wayne Smith]
Wagner loader for 1953 Ford NAA tractor, $325. 1992 Mitsubishi Montero,
4 WD, auto., loaded, needs head gaskets, $1,250. Nortampton, 610-837-6454.
Snowplow for Int 284 $350 Dearborn plow 3 pt model 10-181 2 or 3 B-14
inch $350 Cub tractor $1200; Miller welder elect start $600. Bucks Co.
Screws, 4 inch galvanized hex head #9, 20 pound cases, $15 per case (30
cases). Lanc. Co. 717-687-5215.
1951 8N Ford, completely gone over, new paint, 90% tires, bumper, 3pt
plow, scraper blade, sicklebar mower, $3250. Dauphin Co. 717-497-0172.
Allis G tractor-cultivator & finger weeder, only 2 small acreage farm
owners in 50 years $5,000. Bucks Co. 215-249-0241.
Farmall H w/ldr, another w/brush hog; nice ACG w/cult.; Kubota B6000E
w/snow plow; various L/T snow blades, throwers. Atlantic Co. 609-927-2912.
Farmall-Cub with Cycle bar, nice shape will deliver 200 mile radius.
Call Bill, Berks Co. 610-796-1929.
JD 1010 dozer, extra engine, good shape, $6500; 77 F350 12 ft. stake,
$1800; 84 F350 12 ft. stake, $2200. Huntingdon Co. 814-448-3318.
JD 530, good condition, 3pt, top link, 3-pc front weights, round WFE,
float-ride seat, $5250. Lycoming Co. 570-998-2291.
JD model L tractor, cult. plow, 1947 Chevy 12’ dump, IHC transport
harrow, JD 444 cornhead, Meyers hay conditioner, PTO. Northampton Co.
John Deere 2 cyl. tractor, battery & coil ignition units. New in box,
fit A-B-G-H motors, wiring included, $175. Nassau Co. 516-426-1098.
John Deere 420W fenders, excellent restoration, 2 you’s, one restored,
one needs restored, but runs good. Tioga Co. 570-324-2821.
John Deere 530, very good looking and running, original tractor, JD H
front wheel wt. set. Tioga Co. 570-324-2821.
John Deere B 1948 new battery starter, generator, brakes, clutch,
rewired, all work done by professional mech. Columbia Co. 570-784-8154.
John Deere B, unstyled, asking $3500. York Co. 717-382-4170.
John Deere M, $1600. John Deere 430W, show quality, 5 spd., call for
details, $5,500. York Co. 717-495-9066.
John Deere model A, 1947, price reduced, $900. 1939 Case VAI parts
tractor, $100. Northampton Co. 610-759-1060.
Int. Cub lowboy tractor with front end loader, $2400. Hunterdon Co.
Int. TD9 farm crawler, $5500. Farmall M, wfe on steel wheels, $2500.
Union Co. 570-922-4447.
International 2544 industrial tractor hydro w/2000 loader needs trans
work $2500; NH table blower good cond. $300. Wayne Co. 570-253-1708.
International Cub Lowboy, very good w/5’ mower, snow blade, chains,
weight box, manuals & hydraulics, etc. $2,400. Cherry lumber cured,
$1.75 bd. ft. anytime. York Co. 717-244-7791.
Ford 8N tractor, rear tires like new, good tin, front bumper guard, two
bottom plow, $2,450. Schuylkill Co. 570-467-2325.
Ford 8N tractor with bucket, blade, power steering, good tires,
excellent condition, $3800. Mifflin Co. 717-899-6002.
Farmall Cub w/snow plow, chains runs great, $1,995; Old 10 cent Coke
machine from the 50’s good shape. Dauph. Co. 717-533-7345.
Ford 134 C.I. short block fits 600 $250. Allis Chalmer belt pulley unit
for WD N.O.S. $80. Orange Co., N.Y. 845-778-7160.
Ford 3400 with loader cab, 3 point pto, $4700. Massey Ferguson 65 with
loader, P.S., 3 pt. PTO, $3500 negotiable. Berks Co. 717-933-8583.
For parts fix-up JD 37 “B”, 50 “A” 45W loader, 16x34 “R” rims, A, B, G,
“38” rims, 12 spline bolt-in hubs, M-MT plows, A, B, H, USB parts.
Frederick Co. 301-865-0618.
Ferguson TE-20 1952 eng, rebuilt snow plow, chains, $2150. Komatsu
trackloader, D315, 6600 hr, 80% bottom 9 ton machine, $8000. Warren Co.
Farmall H, runs, tires poor, $550; Case 1845B skid loader with universal
attachment, $4,900; Lancaster Co., 717-426-2058.
Farmall H, parts or restore, $400. Farmall Super A w/cultivators, new
tires, good condition, $3,000 B/O. Warren Co. 908-496-4409.
Esco 1 half yard clam bucket, v.g. MTA Farmall, $4500. Farmall A, fresh
motor, $2200. Super M, $4,000. Morris Co. 908-879-5760.
MF 202 work, bull with front loader, low hrs, needs work, $1500.
Allegany Co. 412-793-0898.
Backhoe & mounting bracket for JD-450C, needs hoses and repair, $800
obo. JD 450 rear scarfier attachment, $500 obo. St. Marys. 301-475-8949.
B Allis w/cultivator flow 140 Farmall with cult. Glow full size bed
liner no Sunday calls. Lanc. Co. 717-548-3196.
1939 Allis Chalmers B, A-1 shape, $1,400. Farmall F-12 block $200. Many
F12 parts for sale. Juniata Co. 717-371-7029.
Ford 8N, hi-low with turf tires, $2,800. Wanted millstones. Cumb. Co.
1950 Ford 901 Powermaster with three bottom plow, two row cultivator
very good condition. $3,600 or OBO. Somerset, NJ. 908-369-4632.
1952 MC crawler N Paint M tractor & loader N Paint D 1941 hand start pg
3 +N #10, Hammermill, Lancaster Co. 717-355-0846 H, 717-354-9928 S.
1968 Ford pickup 390 eng, 3 speed, $950. IH 574 diesel tractor, $3900.
1940 JD B. Blair Co. 814-944-0818.
Good roads, salt or fertilizer spreader with pony motor, 4 ton, $1500
obo. Lehigh Co. 610-967-3957.
Parts for John Deeres, old and new, radiators, 6 pc. weight set,
toplink, fenders, also parts for other brands. Lancaster Co. 717-587-7548.
Mike Sloane
Allamuchy NJ
mikesloane at verizon.net
Website: <www.geocities.com/mikesloane>
Images: <www.fotki.com/mikesloane>
The most certain test by which we can judge whether a country is really
free is the amount of security enjoyed by minorities. -Lord Acton (John
Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton), historian (1834-1902)
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