[Farmall] Demo C

James Moran jrmoraninc at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 9 17:53:58 PST 2005

As I communicated w/Mike Sloane, I came across an
absolutely perfect (in every way, I assure you) "A". 
The old fella who owns it wants $5k.  Even in its
pristine condition, this is $2k more than is
reasonable IMHO. There it is...tractors (and similar
items) absolutely abound in my vicinity.  Ultimately,
I will get a shot at this item for a much more
moderate price but no right now, it seems.

--- "E. John Puckett" <ejpuckett at centurytel.net>

> Mike, the only reason you got it that cheap is I was
> short on cash that 
> day, as usual..
> Mike Schmudlach wrote:
> >I bought a complete and running White Farmall C
> last year at the IHCC
> >Auction and it cost me a whopping $600.
> >It even had a perfect tail light with the jewel
> light on it and they go on
> >ebay for $150 +.
> >  
> >
> -- 
>  John
> another one of them
> *.?-!.* cub owners
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