[Steam-engine] 22 or 26 HP Advance engines

Andy glines pioneersop96 at yahoo.com
Tue May 31 12:27:41 PDT 2005

Dan, if you don't get any bites here be sure to try
the Steam board over on Harry's site.  Also visit the
Pioneer Engineer's (Rushville) site.  It seems to me
that they might have a member with a Advance like you
are looking for.
BTW I'm not trying to promote other steam forums over
ATIS.  I see Harry's as being complimentary to ATIS
not as competition.  I have been known to suggest ATIS
over on that board as well.
--- Dan Donaldson <ddonaldson at tampatank.com> wrote:
>     Does anyone know of anyone who owns a 22 hp or
> 26 hp Advance steam 
> traction engine?  I have 26 hp Straw Burner and need
> measurements for some 
> parts such as water tank, toolbox, footboard
> brackets and spark arrester. 
> As far as I know the only difference between the 22
> hp and the 26 hp is the 
> 26 has a compound engine.
> Thanks
> Dan Donaldson 
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Andy Glines
Evansville, IN

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