[Steam-engine] Make your own Iron Castings!!

JEFF LUND lundmachineworks at yahoo.com
Tue May 31 06:26:23 PDT 2005

I have taught some casting in a metals class.   It has
been an enjoyable, and very educational section for
the students.   Some shop teachers can not legally
teach it due to license, and some districts see it as
too dangerous sor students to do.

Jeff Lund 
Lund Machine Works

--- Terry Welch <ksw001 at pensys.com> wrote:

> It is a great idea. Our local High School used to
> have a casting class until
> they got the current shop teacher. He wanted no part
> of it and wanted to get rid
> of the whole system including patterns. At this
> point the school said "NO" and
> it is all still there. I took class up there from
> the Jr College and we got to
> cast a lot of items. But sadly the teacher that did
> that is now retired. So the
> foundry sets idle. I think a couple of the other Jr
> Colleges here is Wisc. do
> offer casting classes.  I was going to look into it
> this fall.
> Rick, I am going to be going through Youngstown at
> the end of June. Any chance
> for a tour of the Tod Project then?
> Terry Welch
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