[AT] Antique Caterpillar racing

Terry Welch ksw001 at pensys.com
Sun May 22 16:24:59 PDT 2005

Guys, I was in Peoria yesterday and today to a wedding. I spoke to my
wife's Aunt( who works for Cat on Adams St) about the movie. She told me
to forward it to my wife's Uncle as he retired from Cat a few years ago.
She then went on to tell me about one part of the building that has the
signed walkway in it that they have different videos showing and said
she thought this is one of them. She discribed it to a"T".
We went to a resturant east of Peoria towards Metamora that is an a
barn. It is full of old toys and what nots. The fellow who owns it is
reitred from Cat and farms in the area and has the Resturant open just
on Sundays from 10 am to 2 pm. Food was great and all home made. I spoke
to the owner for a bit, A very nice guy who likes collecting Allis and
Cats. I will have to stop back and see his collection the next time I am
down that way.
Terry Welch

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