[AT] Re: [Farmall] Woods L59 Mower deck mounting parts

Mike Sloane mikesloane at verizon.net
Fri May 13 09:38:14 PDT 2005

If you don't have any luck finding the parts, you might try your local 
Woods dealer - Woods still supplies a lot of the parts for mounting the 
L59 on older tractors. They won't be cheap, but nothing is these days. 
Chances are if they don't list the A, they might list the 140.


Michael Miller wrote:
> Hi all.
> I just bought a Woods L59 mower off ebay.  The only problem is it has 
> mounts for a JD MS40S, 320S, 330S, 420S, 430S, M40U, 40W, 320U, 330U, 
> 420U, 430U, and 440U(according to the seller).  I am going to mount it 
> on a farmall A and so need to find and procure a set of brackets and 
> other parts to put it on.  Anybody in tractor land who has a set either 
> for sale or trade?  I know Paul Bazzetta used to deal in woods but IIRC 
> he stopped a year or better ago.
> If someone wanted to trade I could probably go a couple hundred miles 
> from here to do it.  My zip code is 44691.
> Thanks all.
> Mike

Mike Sloane
Allamuchy NJ
mikesloane at verizon.net
Images: <www.fotki.com/mikesloane>

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