[Steam-engine] Steam Symposium 2005
Best, Dianne
dbest at hydro.mb.ca
Tue May 3 04:59:08 PDT 2005
The 2005 International Steam Symposium is going to be a gathering of
regulatory officials and steam hobbyists. Those I know to be attending
include the Chief Boiler Inspectors and Inspectors from Manitoba,
Saskatchewan, North Dakota, and Minnesota. There are also a number of
steam enthusiasts coming from an even larger area.
The Symposium is 2 days and will include a number of presentations,
including addresses by the Chief Inspectors, but the real strength of
the Symposium is the opportunity to spend two days rubbing shoulders and
chatting informally with "officialdom" and with fellow steamers from the
mid-continent area.
I'll find out were to get registration information and post it ASAP
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