[AJD] need for tank etch?

Chris C jdnutinwa at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 31 20:27:06 PST 2005

         I think you are going to need to take the tank off...  Most of the sealing products want you to clean the tank,  some want to etch it,  then you add the sealer.   You will spend big $$ trying to buy enough sealer to fill you tank to get it evenly coated inside.  ( I suppose you could devise a way to spray it in)  but most of them are desigen to act as a membrane around the entire surface of the inside of the  tank and not to just patch one spot.  

Bill Brueck <b2 at chooka.net> wrote:
I need to seal up a little seepage around the fuel tank outlet fitting on my JD H. Rather than take the hood off and try to solder this up, I think I'll try the tank sealer products. I have some of the sealer, but I recall folks on the list speaking of a need to etch the tank first.

What to use? Do I need to buy a can of etch or is this some common household item I might already have around?

Bill Brueck (brick)
Chatfield, MN, USA

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