Handles - was Re: [AT] Pitchforks - new vs. old.

Grant Brians gbrians at hollinet.com
Fri Mar 25 21:26:22 PST 2005

I want to ask the list this question. I also have lots of tools that need 
handles, especially shovels as we use them a lot and the workers are even 
harder on them than my kids. In the old old days, farmers made their own 
handles frequently from "junk" trees that they had. We have lots of 
Eucalyptus trees that were planted for firewood, but have lots of pretty 
straight branches. Eucalyptus wood is unbelievably hard when cured, but is 
also somewhat prone to splitting and is dififcult to work with anything 
other than the old fashioned draw knives.
    So, here is the question. Does anyone on the list make or has made in 
the past their own handles and if so what did they use and what good and bad 
aspects did they encounter. I am pretty serious about trying making 
Eucalyptus handles, but could use feedback first.
        Grant Brians
        Hollister CA
p.s. this is ON topic as how can we farm eith our tractors without shovels 
and hoes to get the weeds the tractors don't and help with field drainage!
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Indiana Robinson" <robinson at svs.net>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 9:10 AM
Subject: Re: [AT] Pitchforks - new vs. old.

> On 25 Mar 2005 at 11:23, DAVIESW739 at aol.com wrote:
>> Boy sure took you a long time to learn that the  old stuff is a lot 
>> better
>> than that junk they sell now a days.
>> I have an  old 4 prong pitchfork that I use daily to feed with its ten 
>> time
>> better than any  new one I know I have tried them too. I even spent $8 to 
>> get a
>> new handle for it  last summer.
> Hi Walt:
> It took me a long time because I have a good supply of the good old stuff 
> and seldom
> have occasion to use the new stuff.   :-)
> Dang !!! handles are getting high though. I priced one not long ago in a 
> farm store and
> it was higher than a new tool with a comparable handle. I watch for flea 
> markets where
> some guys sell seconds from the handle factory.
> -- 
> "farmer", Esquire

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