[AJD] JD Manual scans on CD
Robert M. Massengale
ltcmikem at ktc.com
Mon Mar 7 11:34:23 PST 2005
Ron -
I will play on your team... any time, any place. I said it before and will say it again,
fair and reasonable is a pretty good guideline for pricing & profit.
Robert M. Massengale
Fredericksburg, Texas 78624
> Dean,
> This medium does not lend itself well to these types of discussions.
> So
> it probably needs to stop. It gets too confusing.
> I understand what you are saying. I have been there-done that.
> Labor,
> sales, management, owner, employee, employer, and I even worked for
> the damned government at one time. I have been self employed since
> 1978. The only way you can control the price of widjits is to be the
> only source of widjits. Monopoly. That won't fly in a capitalist
> society. You have to offer something superior at a fair price. Or at
> least priced fairly. I know you shop at Harbor Freight. Those are
> mostly knock-offs. But they may be priced fairly. Or they may be
> overpriced junk. They will seek whatever level is proper. So will
> intellectual property. Patent and copywrite laws are there to protect
> the owners. They do need enforcing. However, I don't feel the need
> to "turn someone in". I would though, if I thought it was hurting my
> pocketbook. Human nature.
> Somehow we got to discussing those db1293 cd's instead of the
> scanned
> manuals. Copying those for resale IS not legal. The contents of that
> cd are still being made available from Deere as I take it. Just on
> individual cd's instead of all on one. Runs the cost up. Selling
> copies of something no longer made available in any form? I probably
> would have no problem with that.
> I think you are right on the money with these statements:
> However, there is one mistake that JD is making in my opinion. That is
> their pricing structure allows plenty of room for less than honorable
> competitors.
> and
> What I believe JD has forgotten is that they have long ago received a
> payback on their original investment so their Cost of Goods and
> amortization of engineering costs have been returned many times over.
> If JD wanted to they could block out any future competition. With
> predatory low prices and it still would be profitable for them. Any
> time a company has an unreasonably high price on their product they
> are just creating an umbrella for lower cost alternatives. They have
> created the artificial environment and are now having to live with it.
> Okay. Back to discussing John Deere TRACTORS and equipment.
> Ron Cook
> Salix, IA
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