[Steam-engine] Groton Website

Jeff Smith steamenginesmitty at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 31 12:07:17 PST 2005


In you photo collection you have a few photos of
engines built by the Arnold's of Marietta, Ohio. As a
child, I can remember when Mr. Arnold (deceased)
finished the traction engine.  I think I was about 8
years old at the time he brought it to its first show.
 Is that engine in the photo called the "Goat" and
have a painting on the back of a goat?  

Thank you,

Jeff Smith

> >The Groton is between 10000 - 11000lbs dry. You can
> see pictures of it on my
> >web site, but here is a direct line to one of the
> pictures:
> >http://www.grotonengine.tzo.net/images/image001.jpg
> >
> >George Erhart
> >http://www.grotonengine.tzo.net

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