[AT] new spuds
Ralph Goff
alfg at sasktel.net
Sun Jul 10 17:39:25 PDT 2005
----- Original Message -----
From: Dudley Rupert <drupert at premier1.net>
To: Antique tractor email discussion group <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2005 5:29 PM
Subject: RE: [AT] new spuds
> Yeah, but isn't the fun of gardening being able to eat your' own stuff ...
> Seriously, I know I must be missing something in this thread but couldn't
> you just dig all the potatoes out of one hill and not worry about saving
> plant>
Dudley, your right, half the fun is knowing that you've grown them yourself
in your own ground. And we don't dig up the whole plant this early in the
season because they are going to grow a lot bigger if we leave the plant
growing into September. But its hard to resist going out there and
scratching around under the plants about mid July when we know those first
tennis ball sized potatoes will be appearing. Soon as they are ready I will
be cleaning out my potato bin of last years survivors in hopes of a good new
Ralph in Sask.
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