[AJD] Physics 101
Steve Bachman
scbachman at agere.com
Wed Jan 19 09:16:54 PST 2005
i laughed my arsh off at your posting...thanks!
"Terry L. Hrdlicka" wrote:
> Cal,
> Don't know a lot about the physics involved, but here's what I have
> observed about the old iron/temp/weather relationship:
> Sunny, calm, 78*, no work to do, just want to putt around the pasture:
> Fires up in the first 1/100 revolution and purrs like a kitten. Runs so
> smooth it would balance on 1 coke bottle.
> Sunny, calm, 78*, just want to show your buddy how easy it starts after
> your new tune up:
> Cranks 'till the battery is almost dead/you can't lift your arms,
> realize you shut off the gas. Turn on gas, flood engine, gas soaked new
> plugs won't fire, replace plugs, finally starts on one cylinder and runs
> like crap. Buddy goes home with smirk on his face.
> Cloudy, windy, 45*, going to cut fire wood in the draw 1 1/2 miles from
> the house:
> Fires up in the first 1/100 revolution and purrs like a kitten. Backs
> itself up to the trailer, perfectly aligned with the hitch the FIRST
> time and runs better than it ever did out to the draw. Shut off
> tractor, fill trailer with wood. Start tractor to go home, runs on 1
> cylinder, barely pulls itself in 1st gear. Takes forever to get home
> driving into a 45 MPH wind all the way.
> Sunny, calm, 20*, just want to see how it starts when it's this cold:
> Fires up in the first 1/100 revolution and purrs like a kitten.
> Cloudy, windy, freezing rain, sleet, snow, -5*, pick-up stuck in snow
> from trying to pull mamas mini van out of a snow drift:
> Starts reluctantly in machine shed. Runs O.K. 'till you get hooked up
> to the pick-up. Starts to miss and will barely pull itself. Get pick
> up unstuck, limp back to machine shed to see what's wrong with tractor.
> Go in house to have a shot of schnapps and thaw out frozen hands.
> Listen to mama b!#&h because her mini van is still stuck and she's
> supposed to pick up "the girls" for basket weaving class in 1/2 hour.
> Listen to mama b!#&h some more about the time and money you've spent
> when you tell her the tractor isn't running right.
> Sunny, calm, 10*, mama's mini van unstuck by neighbor down the road with
> a RED tractor, go to machine shed to try to figure out why tractor won't
> run right:
> Fires up in the first 1/100 revolution and purrs like a kitten.
> :)
> Terry
> P.S.
> Hope this post hits the list before the spring thaw!
> wb5cys wrote:
> > What is the physics behind our old treasures being harder to start in
> > cold weather?
> >
> > Is the ignition system affected by the cold?
> > Is the fuel mixture somehow different?
> > Is it harder to burn the fuel mixture enclosed by cold iron?
> > The physical effects of the thickened oils are obvious, but are there
> > other issues with oils as well?
> > What about air intake? Any changes there? Am I more likely to suck a
> > glob of oil from the breather into the carb during cold weather?
> > Aside from the obvious effects from freezing, does the coolant system
> > behave differently during cold weather?
> >
> > My old John Deere tends to wake up pretty well on a cold morning, about
> > as well as I do, but the definition of cold here in Texas is different
> > than it is elsewhere.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Cal B.
> > Nacogdoches, Texas
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