[AJD] Delayed posts

Rev. Gerber drgerber at fuse.net
Tue Jan 18 07:14:12 PST 2005

Dee/All:  I agree about the problem with time lag on messages posted.
The few times I have ever made a contribution, or asked a question, it
was humiliating.  I anticipated answers to a question, and did not see
any response for two days.  Then I responded to the input with another
question, only to see a sudden flood of messages that made me look
stupid because of my follow up question.  That was the last time I
posted anything.  I continue to read the traffic each day and learn from
the others.  Thanks to all for helping me learn about these magnificent

Dave Gerber
Mt. Airy U.M. Church
Cincinnati, OH 45239
Phone:  513-541-0307
FAX: 513-541-0366

-----Original Message-----
From: antique-johndeere-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com
[mailto:antique-johndeere-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com] On Behalf
Of Robert M. Massengale
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 8:22 AM
To: Antique John Deere mailinglist
Subject: Re: [AJD] Delayed posts

Dee -

I feel similarly to you on the delayed posts.  I don't have much to
offer in terms of 
answering other folks questions, but get the same uncomfortable feeling
when I 
have posted a "thanks" note for help received and that note doesn't
appear for some 
time.  I will say one thing about the repetitive answers... from my
perspective it 
doesn't hurt a bit to be told the same thing three times, in three
different ways, by 
three different people.  By the way, thanks for your reply to my drain
plug post and 
please don't not post in the future because you suspect someone else
will answer 
my question.

Robert M. Massengale
Fredericksburg, Texas 78624

> You know guy's I responded to a post that I received just about noon
> our time (West Coast) I received the same message at 4:00 Actually I
> responded to two posts one on drain plugs, and one on tie down chains
> I still have not seen the one on tie down's yet but it may come along
> sometime? You know I belong to several other groups and if the
> messages are not posted in just seconds something is wrong. But Atis
> in my opinion is really out there! It is upsetting to me to respond to
> a post, that has not been answered but by the time mine show's up it
> has been answered several times, and I end up looking like I  have not
> been paying attention to anything! I wonder if this could have
> anything to do with the lack of posters here lately? West coast time 
> now 4:15 Dee 
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