[AT] Pulling a sheepsfoot with a Ford 8n

Chuck Saunders csaunders at bluevalleyk12.org
Thu Feb 10 10:12:50 PST 2005

Thanks Ron and everyone else for taking the time to help.
I realize that stopping is an issue but in first gear I don't think it 
will be uncontrollable. I will make sure the brakes are in good shape 
though. I just don't have a feel for how easy rolling a sheepsfoot is. I 
know that railroad cars roll a lot easier on the tracks than off. I am 
sure that this roller will not roll as easily as a hay wagon, but I 
assume easier than a 2-14 plow. This roller, which I am making myself 
out of concrete (go ahead, laugh, get it out of your system), is much 
smaller than anything I've found commercially. Just wanted to visit 
reality for a few minutes and make sure I wasn't too far off the deep end.
Chuck Saunders
Kansas City, MO

Ronald L. Cook wrote:

> Chuck,
>     I see some have raised the stopping issue.  That is the only 
> problem you would have if that is even a problem.  You should not be 
> going very fast and two tons isn't much weight.  Inertia would be the 
> only problem.  I have no idea what that 8N weighs.  I have a 2N but 
> have never weighed it.  I do use it to pull my airplane.  It weighs 
> close to 4000 lbs and I have no problems moving or stopping it.  I am 
> never out of low or reverse, though.  Remember, this is a farm 
> tractor.  They regularly pull wagons of grain, etc.  I am sure 4000 
> lbs is a moderate load. Heck, a hundred bushels of shelled corn is 
> 5600 lbs and that doesn't include the weight of the wagon and is not a 
> very big load either.  Just take it easy.
> Ron Cook,
> Salix, IA
> ps: If Cecil would just give me that 420C I would run it down to you 
> and let you use that.
> Chuck Saunders wrote:
>> Hi Guys,
>> I  am getting ready to build a dam and doing it cheap. I want to use 
>> my 8n to pull a small sheepsfoot roller. the roller has pads not 
>> spikes, is 5 feet wide and 3 feet in diameter.  Unit weighs in at 
>> 4000 lbs. working in 6 inch lifts, do I have enough  tractor to pull 
>> this?
>> Thanks
>> Chuck Saunders
>> Kansas City, MO
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