[AT] Just another day at the office? (OT)

charlie hill chill8 at cox.net
Tue Feb 8 10:55:16 PST 2005


People go into ketosis when they are on too strict a diet and their body is 
burning a lot of fat to stay alive.  What do you think caused it in your 
sheep.  I know you feed them so I'm sure it wasn't missed meal collic.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <CBear81438 at aol.com>
To: <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2005 9:02 AM
Subject: Re: [AT] Just another day at the office? (OT)

> Just thought you all might be interested in a typical day here.  For  the
> tractor content, I use several antiques to bale hay for these sheep the 
> coyotes
> eat....  Anybody with sheep and has some suggestions, I am open to 
> anything.
> Still alive this morning, just no eating......
> Well, the Saga continues as the old western used to say...   I  found my
> largest ewe (150 + lbs), Minnie, named because she has tiny mouse ears, 
> laying in
> the barn with the 2 new mamas yesterday afternoon about 3 pm.   Since we 
> have
> had rain and drizzle the fields and pastures are mud.  The  poor girls 
> grunt
> with every step making their way around.  I
> So I jujst figured she decided to rest.  She did not look like she was
> trying to lamb yet.  Not going to be long.  I was working getting some 
> stuff
> straightened around with the other two, and was stepping over her and 
> generally
> within 6 inches of her and she never moved.  Even petted  her and she did 
> not
> move..  I just thought she was trusting me like a lot  of the others do..
> Well I thought I better check on the girls about 10pm.  When I stepped 
> into
> the barn, it smelled like acetone.  Minnie was panting like a dog and 
> having
> trouble breathing.  I could hear gurgling.  First thought was  Ketosis, as 
> I
> hit myself in the back of the head, I should have seen this  coming.  Went 
> thru
> this a year ago with the one who just had triplets, or  was it 2 years 
> ago?
> Ok, looks like bloat too.  Head over to the shop  refrig to find the 
> Propylene
> glycol.  No glycol.  RV  antifreeze????  Nope, it has rust inhibitors in 
> it,
> Darn.  Drank a  coke just to keep me going, it was bedtime....  Head to 
> the
> house for  reinforcements.  Ketosis is also called acidosis.  I knew the 
> lining
> of her stomach is really sore from the acidosis, and she has to have
> something  for the bloat.
> SO her is the "cocktail" I concocted from household kitdchen  cabinets.
> About 15 Lactinex tablets to aid digestion.
> About another 15 acidophilis pills to also aid degestion.
> Some digestive enzyme from an herbal store.
> About 1/8 teaspoon of GREEN Palmolive liquid.
> I use a mortar and pestle to grind the tablets, then mix in about 1/2 cup 
> of
> water with the soap.  The soap causes it all to dissolve and it is a 
> great
> surfactant for the frothy bloat.  Put this in a pint bottle  that came in 
> an
> e-bay buy of 50 irrigation syringe kits.  while I was in  the shop I got 2 
> of
> the kits out, nice and sterile....
> Ok, that will take dcare of the bloat, now what for the ketosis.   Simple
> sugars is needed.  Perhaps Corn syrup??  None in the  cabinet.  Ahhhhhh!
> Griffins Waffle syrup...  Tastes good going  down and coming up too.... 
> When you
> extract the stomach tube, if there is  anything that will burn on it, it 
> burns
> all the way back.  Try Propylene  glycol sometime, it burns!.  It is also 
> the
> sweetner for DR. Pepper.   If I would have had a bottle of it I would have 
> used
> that... I poured about 1/2  cup of syrup in a coffee cup, added about 1/4 
> cup
> of water and nuked it for  about 30 sec.  Added some syrup to cool it a 
> little
> and add some thickener  so I had about a cup of syrup water that was about
> body temp.  The old girl  did not need to drop her core temp due to a 
> treatment.
> Got the 3/8 in 6 ft  vinyl tube that I have had hanging from one end,  (to
> straighten it out) and measured from the nose to the flank.  Made a  mark 
> on the
> hose with a sharpie marker,  This ensures I get it in the  stomach and not
> the lung, the end of the lung is about half this distance.   Since I had 
> to do
> all this myself, I have to be prepared ( yeah right, I forgot  the water
> syringe, and had to hold the ewe, hose, and suck water from the  watering 
> bucket
> into another syringe all at the same time).  Got Minnie  backed into a 
> corner,
> wrapped my left arm( the one with the torn tendon, ulner  nerve damage, 
> and the
> one that is going thru a nerve test tomorrow) around her  neck and held 
> her
> mouth with my left hand.  Started the tube from the right  side of the 
> mouth
> (passenger side, or curb side if you are an RVer) and headed  across the 
> tongue
> to the left side.  If you feel down the left side of the  throat, you can 
> feel
> the hose going down.  She had a bit of a cud in there  and after a couple 
> of
> tries, that came out.  She had held this for a long  time.  Another 
> indication
> of the bloat.   Started the hose down  as she is resisting and grinding 
> her
> teeth.  But as she chews, she also  swallows.  BINGO! hit the Gut!   MAN 
> Who Cut
> the Cheese???   That hose had some of the most foul smells eminating, 
> worse
> than the trip  past the waste treatment we make every day....About 10 
> seconds
> after hitting the jackpot, I am holding a smaller ewe by at  least 6 
> inches.
> Now she really feels like resisting.  However,  with 325 lbs on my side, I 
> am
> not easily moved.  Attach  the acidophilus etc syringe, empty, attach the
> syrup, empty, fill  another syrup, empty, fill another acidophilus, empty, 
> refill
> a syringe with  water while holding, oh well I already told that one..
> empty.....
> Inject a shot of B-12,  Wash out the syringes and tube.  Sit  down on a 5
> gallon redneck chair, and observe the patient.  Still alive,  breathing 
> (though
> rapidly), moving.   What I did will take about 2 to  6 hours to detect any
> change.  She can rest without my help, and it is now  11:30pm  looks like 
> I got a
> breakfast date!!
> Back in the house, the wife asks if I had any problems, "Nope, everything
> went according to plan".
> This morning, she is breathing about 60/minute, and calm.  So, I made  a 
> trip
> to my vet supply and got a gallon of Propylene and gave her 120cc 2 times
> today.  Got a new bottle of b-12 also.
> As of 6pm, she is moving around and has walked qute a bit around the lot,
> just has not ate anything yet.  She acts interested, just not  hungry...
> In the morning we will know more.  The waiting is the worst  part.
> I also got a sack of corn to feed all the pregnant ewes with to add some
> concentrated nutrition to prevent Ketosis....
> Maybe this will be interesting to some of you..
> Cecil
> Piedmont, OK
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