[AT] Acrylic enamel paint hardner????

Ronald L. Cook rlcook at pionet.net
Fri Feb 4 09:28:33 PST 2005

	A friend of mine started putting hardener in Dulux in the early 
seventies.  Beautiful paint jobs.  Dulux always did flow out nice and 
had a nice choice of colors.  It just faded quickly and required 
frequent polish and wax.  The harder kept it glossy and quite durable. 
I think those paint jobs looked better than the Imron jobs that came 
along later.  Without retarder, the Imron always had orange peel.  We 
were painting airplanes and race cars and were never in a paint booth 
but came up with very nice jobs.  A friend with a DuPont paint store was 
providing information and materials.

Ron Cook
Salix, Ia

charlie hill wrote:

> Here is what makes me interested in this topic.   I've read enough 
> accounts from folks on the list that I'm certain that using hardner with 
> plain old enamel paint can be done.  The knowledge of this list is 
> testiment to that. However, I've been involved with industrial painting 
> projects for over 20 years.  I've used all kinds of exotic epoxies, 
> urethanes, acrylics, vinyls, etc. and I've never seen or heard of 
> (except on this list) anyone using hardner with an enamel.
> When I first saw it mentioned on the list I asked a friend/business 
> partner who has been and industrial painter since he got out of high 
> school in the early 60's and now owns his own company.
> He had never heard of anyone doing it.  I asked one of the industrial 
> reps for ICI Devoe coatings and he had never heard of it.
> All of this just seems strange to me.  It leads me to believe that 
> somewhere out in the heartland someone just decided to try it and lo and 
> behold it worked.
> I sure would like to know how.  I have to agree with one of the other 
> posts. The hardner is probably in fact a plastic and the enamel paint 
> just becomes the colorant and body of the home made epoxy that results 
> from the mixture. I'd be interested to see some of this paint tested 
> along side other 2 component paints to see how it holds up in terms of 
> gloss retention and film degredation.
> Does anyone know of a manufacturer that makes a hardener specifically 
> for enamel paint and comes as a kit?
> Charlie

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