[AT] John Deere Carb.

Ralph Goff alfg at sasktel.net
Wed Feb 2 12:48:10 PST 2005

I finally went ahead and took off the carburetor of my John Deere AR. Fuel
starvation was causing it to run only on choke. On dis-assembly I was amazed
at how dirty it was inside that big cast iron carburetor. Looks like mostly
gum and varnish from stale gas. Its a fairly simple looking carb but I am
having problems unscrewing the two big brass screws that hold the float
pivot pin in place. I don't want to damage the heads or twist them off but
so far they have resisted my efforts to loosen them. This is the DTLX
(Marvel Schebler I think) carb and the first of this kind that I have ever
worked on.

Ralph in Sask.

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