[Farmall] Goodbye

James Moran jrmoraninc at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 21 16:52:11 PST 2005

I have "watched" the development of battle lines  between members of this group as they either "defend" or "take  exception to" various topic strings that are introduced.  All that  I can add in terms of viewpoint is this....
 Clearly, the  participants are intelligent and analytical people.  Those two  factors (and, probably, others) extend to things mechanical and to  things philosophical.  Perhaps some of the folks have a bit of a  more "home spun" take on the things which impact us all (e.g.,  politics, economics, governmental involvement, and (hold your breath)  religion).   Others may be more "book learned" and the manner  in which they offer their opinions differ a bit from the former group.
  I guess that I most anyone would expect that, beyond the definitive  intent of the group, people of common purpose will have common concerns  and, naturally, will want to air them to their friends, even if those  are merely "cyber friends".
 Where is the great harm in allowing  topic strings to stray to arenas beyond leaking radiators and which  type of bolt goes with what kind of screw?  
 At the end of  the day, we may be able to nurture each other in a wide variety of ways  and do so over a protracted period of time.  Without "naming  names" a particular list member (upon whom I have never laid eyes) has,  in so many ways, become a resource for me and an ad visor as I and my  family deal with some unpleasant issues.
 I am not in any way,  shape, or form suggesting that anyone is required to tolerate streams  that are far afield from the stated purpose of the group.  Then  again, sometimes people will have the need to "cry out" from time to  time and, at the end day, who better to be the sounding board than the  friends that have been made in a group with commonality.
  I wish all of you the very best at this season and, for that matter, in any season you might choose.
  Be well.

Ferg8n9n at aol.com wrote:  If someone leaves because of a minor infraction, it called a "fair weather  
who needs that?
I want to learn about farmalls, and the drama queens dont help  at  all.
However , it is the "season of love", merry xamas to all, forgive and  forget
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