[Farmall] Super M Oil Filter

Ed crest25 at sbcglobal.net
Wed Dec 14 08:29:57 PST 2005

With all the discussion about oil filters for your Farmall, I would be remiss if I didn't pop in and at least make one comment. I please forgiveness to the owner/moderator for this because it hinges on commercialism or spamm but I am only doing it to inform the members of the list as to what occured for decades back.
  I am an authorized distributor for the Frantz Oil Filter. The website is www.WeFilterIt.com and the filter is not new but some of you youngsters may not have ever heard of it before. It might be a shock to you to learn the cartridge is actually a roll of toilet paper. Yep, good ol T.P.
  The filter used to be called the Frantz Oil Cleaner. That is because it cleans the oil and thus with clean oil, why change it? Yes, I never change my oil in my "daily driver" automobile. I do change the filter (T.P.) every 2000 miles or so. When changing the T.P. a 1/2 qt of oil is added to replace that which the old filter absorbs and is discarded. I'm told the old cartridge makes a good starter for bon fires or even BBQ but I don't do that myself.
  I don't know what NAPA charges for a new cartridge but usually a roll of T.P. will run like 50-cents plus or minus. That's it. Don't change oil and give more green bucks to the Middle East or rich gas executives. Keep it in your pocket. Just change the T.P. For a tractor with average use - and dusty use - I'd change it about every six months. Let's see, that's about $1 a year I think.
  I sell the units, I sell the Frantz brand T.P. that is the exact size, etc., and I install locally. That's all the info you need. Any further would definately be spamm and so no prices, etc. unless you contact me off-line.
  These were VERY popular back in the 60's and 70's. We all had them on our 55 Chevy's and GTOs, etc. The Frantz guys would drive their VW busses all decked out with Frantz decals, etc. and made service installation calls to your home. Ah, just a little bit of history. We had them on heavy equipment, semi tractor-trailer rigs, and standard passenger cars. They work on generators and any other machine that needs oil filtering/cleaning.
  You heard it first (and last) right here. I live in Pinon Hills (not too far from Apple Valley, CA) and own a '46 Farmall that I work my property with towing a disc accessory consisting of 2 rows of about 12 discs each.
  Happy Tractoring and Merry Christmas to all of you.
  Ed Greany
  Crest25 at sbcglobal.net

Richard Pope <popeman at verizon.net> wrote:
  Thank you to Dan, Kurt and Kenly for all the info on an oil filter for the Super M. I had one sent from the closest IH/Case dealer, about 150 miles from my home.

Richard Pope
Apple Valley, CA
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