[AT] Some ads from the 12/24 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
mikesloane at verizon.net
Sat Dec 24 15:41:56 PST 2005
Some of the more interesting ads from the (free to
subscribers) Mailbox Markets section of the weekly Lancaster (PA)
Farming newspaper for 12/24/2005. For the full listing, go to
<www.lancasterfarming.com>. Best wishes to all for the Holidays! [my
comments, if any, are in brackets]
1” to 6” used flat belts, various sizes, new wood mouldings, make offer.
Call 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. Newport, PA. Perry Co. 717-567-6391.
1066 Int. eng. block, 414C, $350. Also injection pump and other parts
for sale. Farmall C, rear hydraulics. Lanc. Co. 610-593-6481.
12” Ford Ferguson Dearborn plow shares part #12BCA0181DDS, one pair,
brand new, very hard to find. Clinton County, 570-263-0361.
1952 Ford 8N with snowplow and tire chains, $2500. Call after 6 p.m.
Potter Co. 814-334-5609.
1956 Mercury Montclair 2-door hard top, 312 CI engine, AT, PS, radio,
heater, totally original California car, $25,900 obo. Perry Co.
1957 Chevy pickup, older restoration, tagged antique, drive and restore,
everything works, heater, defrost, 3 speed, SB, SS, Berks Co., 610-670-1957.
Tire chains 13x26 and 11x38, $75 pair. Allis D-15 series 2 W-F new
paint, $2500. Snowplow fits D-14, $300. Lebanon Co. 717-949-8196.
1951 8N Ford, completely gone over, new paint, 90% tires, bumper, 3pt
plow, scraper blade, sicklebar mower, $3250. Dauphin Co. 717-497-0172.
MF 275 diesel MP 2 remote power adj. wheels, excellent 980 1 owner
hours, no Sunday calls please. Snyder Co. 570-374-9554.
1983 Inter. 20 ft. rollback DT 466 diesel $4500. Centre Co.
814-625-2487. [good tractor hauler?]
JD 60 power steering, good tin, $4500; S.M. completely restored $4500;
Factory 3 pt. hitch for 2-cyl. JD’s $800. Cambria Co. 814-674-5937.
JD 70 gas RS, runs good, metal fair, $3,000. Polaris snowmobile 340
Apollo 1980, excellent cond., $375. York Co. 717-432-3991.
JD unstyled “D” $3000; GW $4900; 520 perfect tin, widefront for 2 cyl.
Ford 5000 Creampuff. Susquehanna Co. 570-222-4432, Cell# 570-446-3170.
JD-520, JD-B, JD-LA, IH-574D, IH-300, IH-340, MF-85. Ford 8N, AC-C,
AC-WC, stone rakes. Flat bed wagon. FT snow plow, 8N Ford, 3 pt. blades.
Clinton County, 570-726-6641.
450 John Deere crawler loader 4-1 bucket, good cond., $7,000; Two 12
horse lister deisel. Kent Co. Delaware, 302-659-1490.
2 way plow for 1941 Farmall BN $500; JD 60 very nice $3500; JDG very
nice $5000. Snyder Co. 570-539-8495.
John Deere 50, 90% restored, new paint, tires, radiator, seals, rings,
carb. Expo quality, $3500. Delivery available. Franklin Co. 717-264-5089.
John Deere G, John Deere 5010, John Deere 5020, John Deere 50, John
Deere 70 w/frt. and loader. Butler Co. 724-353-1392.
John Deere M, fair cond., $1500. John Deere 430W, restored cond. Call
for details, $5500. York Co. 717-495-9066.
JD50 3 pt. new paint Ford 9N back tires, like new front blade for JD 40
$100. Butler Co. 724-283-0196.
Farmall 140 hi clear with 3 point hitch cultivate draw bar, all painted,
ready to work. Glouster Co. 607-221-6688.
Farmall 230 w/sickle bar mower, $1,100. I.H. cultimulcher 12’ $2,200.
Lanc. Co. 717-733-0914.
Farmall H parts or restore $400 Farmall Super A w/cultivators, new tires
good cond. $2,700 b/o. Warren Co. 908-496-4409.
Cub Lowboy w/4 foot loader wheel weights, runs good, good metal, asking
$3,100. Lackawanna Co. Jim 570-689-7830.
Diesel utility vehicle, hyd. dump bed, 2000 lb. capacity $5,000. Ford
555 backhoe loader, diesel, 2wd, operates good $7,500. Salem Co. N.J.
Hydro 84, good condition, good rubber, $7500 or best offer. Cumberland
Co. 717-530-5287.
IH Farmall 560 FH dual remotes diesel tricycle rear weights runs good
straight tin field ready $2750 good TA. Lanc. Co. 717-475-3107.
Int. utility tractor, 41HP, L pto, PS, possible trade for 6x4
gator-chipper shredder kemp, $600 obo. Lanc. Co. 717-355-0507.
International Cub lowbow w/mower snow plow wheel weights chains, fair
cond. $2750 obo. 1952. Bucks Co. 610-346-6132.
International hydro 84 tractor with loader, deisel, 3 pt. hitch, North
East, Md. 443-553-1517.
Intl. cub, 5’ pull disc, oil fired boilers, 275 gal. fuel tanks. Gas
unit heaters, oil fired water heater. Cecil Co. 410-398-7680.
J.D. 400 backhoe, new motor $4,500.; ‘65 Chev 1 ton, no body, good glass
$850. Mon. Co., N.J. 732-671-3413.
Ford 8N, runs but smokes, $1200. 1929 Ford Model A 4Dr, $3500. Farmall H
motor, stuck, good tires, tin, $400. Camden Co. 856-767-2740.
Ford 8N runs good block was repaired tin good $800; Snowblower off John
Deere 212 single $200. Dauphin Co. 717-533-5857.
Gravely C-12 walk behind tractor w/snow plow $250. Bolens power hoe &
Planet Jr. cultivator, best offer. Del. Co. 610-459-2644.
Gravely commercial walk behind, snow thrower, quick attach, 50” mower,
sulky, plow. Lancaster Co. (717) 336-5306.
Farmall M 1951 completely restored, rebuilt inside/out, new rubber, have
all parts receits, must see, immaculate, $10,500. York Co. 717-927-6360.
[sorry, but I cannot imagine any Farmall M being worth that kind of
money, no matter how pretty it is]
Farmall Super M, 12 volt system, runs great, with 7 ft. lift sickle
mower, like new. Schuyer Co. 607-546-4153.
Fast Hitch for 460, 560 Farmall complete with cylinder and draw bar
$300. OBO. Howard Co. 410-489-4262.
Fast hitch for Super C $250; QA-42 snow blower for Cub Cadet $225; Air
lift axle 16’’ tires orig. Cub Cadet. Adams Co. 717-359-7534.
Ferguson 35 tractor, PS, 2 stage clutch, 3 point, runs nice, perfect
acreage tractor. $3295. Snyder Co. 570-374-9554.
For Farmall C drive sprockets assembly for fertilizer attachment,
hoppers for front tires, rims for A. Lanc. Co. 610-593-6481.
Ford 2120 w/loader, 4x4, HSS, 750 hrs. $15,900 obo. Ford 3000, gas, new
tires w/6’ Brush Hog $5,900 obo. Sullivan Co. 570-924-3116.
Allis Chalmers D 17 diesel, JD 309 haybine, Oliver grain drill. 300 gal
boom sprayer 10 ft offset disk. Dauphin Co. 717-362-9930.
8N Ford tractor Hi/low needs engine work $1,000/offer. ‘88 Chevy work
van runs good $500. Balto. Co. MD 410-592-6789.
2 bottom trip plow on steel good cond. International Little Genius $250;
1931 Oliver Hart Parr tractor $400. Berks Co. 610-326-1385.
Have Fordson parts, may have what you need, phone 610-326-0156. Montg. Co.
Mike Sloane
Allamuchy NJ
mikesloane at verizon.net
Website: <www.geocities.com/mikesloane>
Images: <www.fotki.com/mikesloane>
The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of
those who have much, it is whether we provide enough for those who have
too little. -Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd US President (1882-1945)
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