[Farmall] Re: Farmall Digest, Vol 20, Issue 1

jswaite marshallman at iprimus.com.au
Fri Dec 2 21:42:04 PST 2005

Subject: Fwd: A Christmas poem

'Twas the night before Christmas,
And Santa's a wreck...
How to live in a world
That's "Politically Correct"?

His workers no longer
Would answer to "Elves",
"Vertically Challenged",
They're calling themselves.

And labour conditions
At the North Pole,
Were alleged by their union
To stifle the soul!

Four reindeer had vanished,
(Without much propriety),
Released to the wilds
By the Humane Society.

The runners had been
Removed from the sleigh,
The ruts were termed "Dangerous!"
By the Australian E.P.A.

And people had started
To call up the cops,
When they heard sleigh noises
Upon their rooftops.

Second hand pipe smoke
Had Santa's staff frightened,
His fur-trimmed red suit
Was called "Unenlightened".

And as for the gifts,
Why he'd never had the notion,
That him making a choice,
Could cause such commotion!

Nothing of leather,
Nothing of fur,
Which meant nothing for him'
And nothing for her!

Nothing that might be
Construed to pollute;
Nothing to aim,
And nothing to shoot.

Nothing that clamoured,
Or made a loud noise;
Nothing for just girls,
Or nothing just for boys.

Nothing that claimed
To be gender-specific;
Nothing that's war-like,
Or deemed non-pacific.

No candy or sweets,
They are bad for the tooth;
Nothing that seemed
To embellish the truth.

No baseball, no football,
Someone could get hurt!
Besides, playing sports
Exposed kids to dirt.

So Santa just stood there,
Dishevelled, perplexed,
He could not figure out
Just what to do next.

He tried to be merry,
He tried to be gay,
But you've got to be careful
With "That Word" today!

His sack was quite empty,
And limp to the ground,
Nothing fully acceptable
Was there to be found.

Something special was needed,
A gift that he might,
Give to all, without angering
The Left or the Right.

So here is that gift,
It's price beyond worth:
"May you and your loved ones
Enjoy Peace on Earth!"

marshallman at iprimus.com.au

I try to comfort the afflicted, and afflict the comfortable!

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