[AJD] Portland , IN 2005

Gary Epps garyepps at fidnet.com
Tue Aug 16 22:41:09 PDT 2005

How many of you will be at Portland next week?  I would like to put some 
names and faces together.  Carol and I will probably arrive on Tues.  I 
looking forward to meeting some of you.


steve sewell wrote:
>>> So what is the Tri-State Gas Engine and Tractor show in Portland, 
>>> IN?? One of the largest shows in the world - hundreds of tractors, 
>>> thousands on engines on display - acres of related stuff for sale.
>>> Aug 24 - 28 , 2005 are the show dates, alot of us show up the Sat and 
>>> Sun before to set up, camp and look around as you will NOT see it all 
>>> in a few days.
>>> Both the tractor group and engine group have events and space 
>>> reserved at the show. We need to know in advance so we can save you a 
>>> space.
>>> If you want to show/display
>>> Tractors - contact Steve Sewell   sewell at ohio.edu
>>> Engines - contact Dave Rotigel    rotigel at alltel.com
>>> If you want to camp  (This is the BEST way to see all the show and 
>>> meet your ATIS friends) Lots of food on the grounds by service groups 
>>> like the Lions clubs, church groups and such, Cheap ($5.00 will buy 
>>> you a meal) Breakfast is served a 5 AM. So all you really need is a 
>>> tent and sleeping bag as the camp ground has really nice showers.
>>> Tractor Wagonmaster - Gene Dotson  gdotsly at loganrec.com
>>> Engine Wagonmaster - Leroy Clark  oldengin at udata.com
>>> Events
>>> Thursday night - Back Forty restaurant in Decatur, In  All ATIS 
>>> dinner, good , all you can eat food for less than $20.00 a person. 
>>> Contact Dave Rotigel  rotigel at alltel.com  so we can give the 
>>> restaurant a head count - no money need to be sent.
>>> Engine folks have a cookout/beer tasting on Friday night at the 
>>> camping area. Group pictures are taken every day of the show at the 
>>> display area ~ 11:30 AM.
>>> Tractor folks go out to eat at a local restaurant in Portland on Wed 
>>> night ( the Mexican last year) , have a group photo taken on Friday 
>>> at 11:30AM at the tractor display then retreat to the camping area 
>>> for a picnic lunch provided  by the Brown family.
>>> If you receive this e-mail you are a member of the ATIS family and 
>>> are invited to all the events!!!!
>>> So do it now!!  Put in for the time off, buy the airline tickets, 
>>> rent the camper, get the tractor/engine running and painted
>>> Hope to see you ALL in August at Portland , IN.
>>> - Steve
>>> Steve Sewell
>>> Albany, Ohio USA
>>> sewell at atis.net
>>> sewell at ohio.edu
>> ***************************************************************************** 
>> ***************************************************************************** 
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In the Ozark Mountains of South Central USA where both life and I move 
at a leisurely pace.

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