[AT] Gasoline $

Richard Fink Sr nancydick at pennswoods.net
Thu Aug 11 18:36:33 PDT 2005

Don you are not putting the wind turbine in the right place. I know a spot 
where a lot of wing blows a lot of the time. [[he he]]
R Fink

At 10:24 PM 8/10/2005 -0400, you wrote:
>At 8/10/2005, you wrote:
>>I think you are right on both counts.... but solar and wind are just 
>>plain silly, because of the low energy density.  The much ballyhooed 
>>hydrogen is even sillier.
>This message is being sent via solar power.  I have a single 120 Watt 
>panel on the trailer roof and two group 24 marine batteries.  I can run a 
>week without firing up the generator.  This winter I will be adding a 
>second 120 Watt panel, a, MPPT controller and two T105 Batteries.
>An important point about wind and solar is that you need either a complete 
>second generator of the same capacity because wind does not blow all the 
>time and there is always night.
>Don Bowen                          Awl Knotted Up
>My travel journal
>My present location is the star on the map in the link below
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