[AT] 38 B

David A. Laughead Jr. daljr at bright.net
Thu Sep 30 09:35:32 PDT 2004

Yep that shows up as a B in my book.

Nothing wrong with it, but sounds like the 38 tranny has been swapped in (or
entire back end) to replace a bad tranny. I say this because the 38 rims
didn't bolt on with 5 lugs so couldn't have been replaced with the chevy
rims, after they went to the pressed steel wheels in later 39, they began
useing the 5 bolt pattern.

Of course on any of our old tractors any number of parts could have been
swapped in and out to get them running again or to make it easier for the
operator or making one tractor from two.

Dave Laughead

----- Original Message -----
From: <Tmbird1155 at wmconnect.com>
To: <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 9:19 AM
Subject: [AT] 38 B

> Dave
> it has a battary box  the tractor number is B9922  and the cast number on
> motor ends with the number 10  the front wheel are chevy 14 inch (yes car
> wheels ) it as a starter  and is changed over to 12 volts ... and is has
> brakes ...I know I have a lot of work it do on it   ... but it runs thats
a plus
>                                                                       Tim
> Turner
>       Cleburne Tx.
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