[Farmall] Corporate Tragedy, Agony of IH

Dean Vinson vinsond at voyager.net
Thu Sep 9 16:32:27 PDT 2004

Bob Jacobs wrote:
> I just got done reading a book of the history of IHC. called A Corporate
> Tragedy - The Agony of International Harvester Company.  Great book for all
> you interested in Farmall.  Written by Barbara Marsh and published in 1985. 
> i found it in my dad's things and it's a pretty good read.

Bob, that is a good book.  Sad to think how such a successful and 
important company ran themselves out of business.  Binder Books at 
www.binderbooks.com reprinted it a while ago, and I believe copies they 
still have copies available although it's out of print at the regular 

Dean Vinson  --  Dayton Ohio

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