[Steam-engine] Wachs Engine

Andy glines pioneersop96 at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 24 06:51:01 PDT 2004

Can you post the link to the picture you folks are
discussing?  Do you have any problems with the pine
leaving excess soot/creosote in the flues or stack.  I
remember that we never burned pine in our wood stack
for fear if a chimney fire from buildup.
--- CopperheadMarine at aol.com wrote:

> Rick
>   Lets just say the engine is a full governed rpm
> for now. I will let  you in 
> on why it looks like it is turning so fast a little
> later on if you get  to 
> photographing your engine set up.
>   The picture of the fire is one of many I have
> taken and is what I  call a 
> good fire mass, there are different ways to photo
> fires to get different  
> effects. Digital cameras are great. You can take a
> lot of PICS and keep only the  
> good ones. You will get some really good ones just
> from the law of  averages.
>   My choice of wood is split pine, fairly small
> pieces stacked in all  
> directions keeping the firebox as full as possible.
> I regulate the fire some  with 
> draft and some with size of wood. Small wood more
> heat faster, larger  pieces 
> less heat slower. My favorite choice for a lot of
> steam is the diseased  part 
> of a pine it is full of rosin and burns like coal.
> That is the picture of  the 
> black smoke rolling out of the stack. The stack is
> 18 feet high and creates  
> enough draft that you don't need to clean out ashes,
> they end up on the roof! 
> If  you are planning on setting up your boiler in a
> building I will give you 
> some  pointers on install.
>   You can use oil but not the way you might think.
> You need to get up  steam 
> with something else like wood or propane and use a
> jet of steam hitting  the 
> oil dribble to atomize it and it needs to be blowing
> on fire brick. But that  
> is putting the horse way before the cart.
> Do a little reading to get fundamental
> understanding, find a show and go  see 
> it in action, Ask lots of questions and listen to
> what is said. Hit a steam  
> school if at all possible.
>   Clean up that engine, look it over, oil it up get
> an idea of what  goes on 
> as it turns, valving and such. The engine is safe to
> play with. The  boiler 
> may not be. You really need someone to help out with
> getting the boiler  ready 
> that is competent. Look that boiler over good, take
> out the hand holes  clean 
> it out, look for stamped numbers and letters. Tell
> us what you find.
> The only stupid questions are the ones you don't
> ask?
> Chas F
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> Steam-engine mailing list

Andy Glines
Evansville, IN

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