[Ford-ferguson] 2n won't start

Chris Britton c.britton at worldnet.att.net
Wed Sep 15 05:47:47 PDT 2004

> took a compression test on the engine: 70-30-70-70 dry, 70-70-70-70

Wow... had that been 70-70-70-70 dry.. you would still have been ok.  90 psi
is min spec.. but lots of work can still happen at 70.  That 30 hopping up
must be a broken ring.. etc.  And as you guess.. it may have scored those
thin little liners.

>way. But the manuals I have for the Ford N tractors all show a special
>tool for installing the liners. If the problem is more than just rings
>and the liners have to be replaced, how is that done without that big
>round plunger shown in the manuals? The books caution that the liners
>are so thin that any pressure on them while inserting them can cause the
>liner to deform.

Lots of guys are having the block bored for the .090 cast liners the later
N's use.. instead of replacing the thin .040? steel liners... etc.

A machine shop can bore then out and install the new liner.. or you can pop
the new liners in yourself.  If you go the machine shop route.. don't let
them get shave-happy on the head... it only has about .010 tolerance it can
be shaved.. and that's when new.. never know how mouch might have already
been done.  If you take it down too much you either have to get a new head,
or use a stack of two head gaskets.. or make some relief cuts with a grinder


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