[Ford-ferguson] More on 2N won't start

Mike Sloane msloane at att.net
Tue Sep 14 10:08:44 PDT 2004

I took a compression test on the engine: 70-30-70-70 dry, 70-70-70-70 
with oil in the cylinders. The manual suggests that 90 psi is the 
minimum acceptable pressure. So I guess it looks like a ring job in in 
store for me this winter. I have no problem with the procedure for 
removing the radiator and hood, and swinging the front axle out of the 
way. But the manuals I have for the Ford N tractors all show a special 
tool for installing the liners. If the problem is more than just rings 
and the liners have to be replaced, how is that done without that big 
round plunger shown in the manuals? The books caution that the liners 
are so thin that any pressure on them while inserting them can cause the 
liner to deform.

Everything else looks to be pretty much standard stuff for a 4 cylinder 
flathead engine. I may also need to do either the bearing shells or the 
oil pump, as the oil pressure dropped considerably as the engine warmed up.

Mike Sloane
Allamuchy NJ
Email: (msloane at att.net)
Website: <http://www.geocities.com/mikesloane>
Blog: <www.mikesloane.blogspot.com
Tractor images: <www.fotki.com/mikesloane>
Work: none - retired

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