[AJD] Newbie and JD 40 Question

Steve Treimer steelerhawk at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 10 07:45:24 PDT 2004

Welcome, please chime in with questions, comments, rants, and general
Deere info often.
In the list I have running, I count 6 other folks from TX.  I'll send
you a copy of the most recent list (version 13) offline.
As for carburetors, there are the carb shops: Robert's, Burrey's,
Denny's and several more that advertise in Green Magazine and
Two-Cylinder Magazine.  They'll usually cost $200 or more and the wait
will probably be 2 weeks or more from when it gets to them.  Deere
carbs aren't too bad at all and the parts are readily available.  I
usually get my parts from Robert's here in Iowa because it's close and
they've got everything.  If you get Deere's carb manual, it pretty much
takes you step-by-step through it.
Duane Larson is a member of this list and has been real good with me on
carbs and magnetos.  You can e-mail him from the list I send you or
maybe he'll chime in.
Steve Treimer
Mechanicsville, IA (no, no real mechanics live there.....)

--- wb5cys <wb5cys at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> Just wanted to say hello to the list.  Name is Cal and I am located
> in 
> northeast Texas.  I have a 110 acre farm that I raise cattle on as a
> hobby. 
> The farm was purchased by my grandfather in 1931.  In 1955 he
> purchased a 
> John Deere 40 brand new.  It has been on this farm ever since.  It
> has been 
> sitting unused for the last 4 years - prior to that it ran fine.  It
> had an 
> engine rebuild about 10 years ago.  It was used mainly for hay moving
> and 
> light pasture mowing.
> I am now ready to restore the tractor.  I first need to get it
> running 
> again.  It turns over fine but doesn't fire.  I am sure I need to
> clean the 
> carburetor at the very least and it probably needs to be rebuilt.
> Does anyone know of a good JD man in northeast Texas who might
> rebuild a 
> TSX-530 carb - and then handle future jobs that are too big for me as
> I work 
> through this restoration?
> Thanks for any an all advice.  I look forward to learning a lot from
> y'all.
> Cal Barton
> Nacogdoches, Texas 
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