[AJD] How deep to plow?
Terry L. Hrdlicka
th01209 at alltel.net
Fri Oct 22 20:25:31 PDT 2004
18"! Holy smoke! That's some plow! Like Dean said, about 8" is
normally the max, but as long as you aren't bringing up clay or other
bad soil, I guess you can go as deep as you want. I've been working on
about an acre of really cruddy clay that has been chemicaled and
fertilized to death for over 60 years, trying to get some organic matter
into it, and have used a 730 lister to dig down close to 2' to bust it
up. Makes some hellish trenches and clods, and has raised a few
eyebrows from the folks that drive by. Makes for an exciting ride on
the 'ol A when I try to disc it smooth. Been planting popcorn in it for
2 years, most of which grows up in weeds, but after only 2 years of
plowing it back under, it's starting to turn black, and wasn't like
plowing concrete when I hit it with the #44 last week.
Louis R Godena wrote:
> Hi folks;
> It's been awhile since I last wrote, so sort of touching base. Anyway, last
> weekend was doing some fall plowing of my garden and an adjacent buckwheat
> field (about 2 acres) with a 1926 JD model 41 14" plow and my overhauled 48
> B. I seemed to be listing precariously toward the furrow and, when I
> measured how deep that furrow wall was, I discovered it was 18+ inches.
> That's sort of deep isn't it, or is it just my imagination? Anyone
> routinely plow deeper than that?
> Louis G
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