[Steam-engine] Steam Plows

Jeff Smith steamenginesmitty at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 19 11:27:43 PDT 2004


I know you are asking about the plows, but the engine
looks to be a Z-3 Peerless.  Mike Roher would know
better than I would.  Kinzer's has a Z-3 and Willis
Abel had a few including the Reeves/Peerless cross. 
That engine is HUGE!!!  I have climbed up on it and I
found it an interesting trip up with the little
platform on the right for the engineer to stand on.
I would like to see more photos of those plows also.

Jeff Smith

--- Dan Donaldson <ddonaldson at tampatank.com> wrote:

>     What happened to all of the steam plows that
> I've seen pictures of?  A 
> lot of shows use gang plows with levers or mehanical
> lifts to raise and 
> lower the plows but I've never seen any surviving
> plows fitted with 
> cylinders.  Ive seen lots of pictures so surely
> there must be some somwhere.
>     Here is a link to a picture of a steam plow if
> you are not familier with 
> one.
> Dan Donaldson 
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