[Steam-engine] Florida Hurricanes and Gauge Damage

Jeff Smith steamenginesmitty at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 12 19:18:41 PDT 2004

I have been going through most of my stuff and I find
it amazing all of the things that I must fix or
replace after two hurricanes (Francis and Jean) hit my
residence.  I was in the attic of the house tonight
and I am going to have to put a lot of the insulation
back in the proper locations.  It was everywhere and
would explain why some rooms seemed warmer than
others.  But the thing that I found rather odd was
that I decided to go through one of my gauge drawers
in my tool box and I found that the liquid filled
gauge was no longer filled and the liquid was all over
the bottom of the drawer.  One of the things that
happens with a hurricane is that the outside pressure
fluctuates and can drop significantly.  I wonder if
the gauge ruptured because the pressure dropped to
around or just below 9 instead of the normal?  I find
this very interesting and also all of the other items
that have been affected by these storms.

Jeff Smith

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