[Steam-engine] hobby boilers

Ken Majeski fuller_johnson1 at msn.com
Sun Oct 3 20:47:37 PDT 2004

Hi George. Thats what some of us are up against now. If we can Prove a 
tensil strength of 55,000 we can use a safety factor of 4 which with a 
boiler in Good condition will get you a reasonable operating pressure. But 
if you can Not prove 55,000 you must use a safety factor of 5. And with a 
little wasteage or on a boiler that was a little on the thin side to start 
with you get into trouble Fast. If your readings get much under.300 in the 
stayed surface area or if your staybolts are spaced far apart you are in 
trouble as far as decent pressure is concerened.

I understand each sheet was stamped with the tensil strength But it depends 
on how the sheets were cut when they made the boiler. I was lucky to find a 
couple 55,000 stamps on the dome of my Minnie which helped the calculations 
a lot. I have seen some boilers with 3 TS stamps and some you can't find any 
whether it is pitting or if the sheets were stamped to start with is 
anybody's geuss. Some of the guys have cut pieces out of the smokebox or the 
ash pan area and sent them in to be tested to prove at least 55,000. Thats 
one benefit of the ASME clover leaf... It does prove 55,000.

I have seen Clover leaf stamps on Minneapolis engines BUT they are smaller ( 
only about 2/3 the size of Normal ) But I can't find any and yes I know 
where to look. So far my inspector won't buy that smaller stamp anyway. From 
what I have heard all engines weren't stamped. Only the ones that were going 
to Ohio or being sold to municipalitys that required it.

Ken Majeski, Ellsworth Wis. Case Steam Engine, Minneapolis Steam Engine, 
Rumely Oilpulls H, F, & R. Website, Http://www.pressenter.com/~kmajeski/

>From: "George Erhart" <gerhart at columbus.rr.com>
>Reply-To: Steam-engine mailing list 
><steam-engine at lists.stationary-engine.com>
>To: "Steam-engine mailing list" <steam-engine at lists.stationary-engine.com>
>Subject: RE: [Steam-engine] hobby boilers
>Date: Sun, 3 Oct 2004 21:11:28 -0400
> > My 24 Minnie ( 1920 ) is considered Non ASME because I can not find any
> > clover leaf stamp. I have cleaned and looked all over and it is not to 
> > found. I have original catalogs stating ASME construction but
> > they will Not
> > buy that. It is Butt Strap construction and has all the through stays 
> > required and is made of the proper material ( 55,000 tensil strength ).
>In addition to the clover ASME stamp, your tensil strength is suppose to be
>stamped into the boiler sheets. I have found the steel strength stampings 
>my boiler barrel. I have heard that without the original manufacturing data
>or the "official" stampings on the steel, some inspectors will not assume a
>TS of 55000. If you are looking for the ASME stamp, many boilers have the
>ASME stamps above the firebox door. (Mine are.) That being said, I have 
>seen them on the "smokebox" end of a Huber, on the ring. See the page on 
>Urbana inspections that is posted on my web site. I have a picture of the
>Huber's boiler runes ... there is a high resolution version. The inspector
>"found" the ASME clover, but I can't see it to save my life!
>Good luck,
>George Erhart
>Steam-engine mailing list

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