[Farmall] Some ads from the 10/9 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
mikesloane at verizon.net
Sun Oct 10 03:29:52 PDT 2004
Some of the more interesting ads from the unclassified (free to
subscribers) Mailbox Markets section of the weekly Lancaster (PA)
Farming newspaper for 10/9/04. For the full listing, go to
<www.lancasterfarming.com>. [my comments, if any, are in brackets]
For Sale:
John Deere 60, 1955, NF, new rear tires, older restoration, straight
tin, live hydraulics, field ready $2,700. Hunterdon Co. NJ 908-537-4127.
John Deere 1948 B new tires, rings, valve job new coil needs paint,
$2000 obo; Somerset Co. NJ 732-873-0092.
Cub 1950s 2000 Cub 1970, $2500, both with snow plows, John Deere 1050
with 7ft squealer mower, $8500. Mercer Co. 609-466-2644.
Old CAT D-6 dozer 1942 for parts or repair, tracks & sprockets are good
$800. Montg. Co. 215-679-6632.
Case 310 crawler loader back hoe diesel exc. cond. new Woods belly moewr
for Ford or MF tractor. Somerset Co. NJ 908-658-3414.
85 hp Mitsubishi diesel very good condition with heavy steel plate ready
to mount on your block, $3600 obo. Lanc. Co. 717-687-7001 8:00 to 8:15 a.m.
340 Ford skid loader $2000; Bobcat 610 skid steer $2900; Mustang skid
loader $2900; Ford tractor all orig new paint $2900; 4 spoke wheels 1934
Ford. Lanc. Co. 717-354-0266.
Sickle bar mower for Farmall Cub, $200 or best offer, Farmall Cub
cultivators, $100 or best offer. Carroll Co. 410-239-7307.
Backhoe International full cab runs VG $5500; Ford 9N w/packblade new
tires tune up pump $2100 obo; Ford F250 diesel truck runs VG $795. Bucks
Co. 610-972-4157.
Allis Chalmers D-17, plow, cultivator buck saw disc 3 pt gas eng runs
strong $3,000 obo. Cumb. Co.
Air compressor 16-CFM gas 6 cyl towable extra clean $2,900; IH Farmall
Cub 12V sickle bar mower $2,000. Bucks Co. 215-493-4108.
Saw rig for Farmall H $50; 1 for John Deere B $50; 1 for 9N Ford 3 pt
$75. York Co. 717-266-2565; 495-6224.
Work or show mm u302, 13 hrs. on complete restoration, gas, 3 pt., P.S.,
LPTO, remote, $5,300. Baltimore Co. 410-374-2894.
Unit 1020 crawler crane $2400; Galion 104 grader $1500; Economy 1212
tract with snow blade $500; 1100 Cub Cadet 42’’ deck $300. Cecil Co. MD
Very good 140 Farmall with sickle bar mower or cultivator, VAC Case
hood, drive train, no Sunday calls. Lanc. Co. 717-548-3196.
1936 Cat 22, very good undercarriage with belt attachment, not running.
Lanc. Co. 717-548-2652.
1942 Allis Chalmers B very good cond. spoke front wheels garage kept
$1900, lv msg. Cumb. Co. 717-423-5985.
1946 CJ2A Jeep, $3,200. 8 H.P. chipper, $450, 1963 Scout 80 nice,
$3,000, 18HP Cadet mower, $1800. Butcher block. Lanc. Co. 717-442-4279.
1948 Farmall Low Boy tractor in good working cond. Numerous accessories
included, $3,000 obo. Washington Co. Maryland, 301-432-8933.
1948 Oliver row crop; tricycle; good tires and fenders; has cultivators,
runs well, smokes. $1250 obo. Burl. Co. 609-859-8582.
1954 JD 60, runs good, new pto clutch and drive clutch, new manifolds
and front tires, best offer. Centre Co. 814-349-8635.
1954 to 1956 Farmall 100 tractor cultivators, good shape. $2,800. St.
Mary Co. 301-994-2825.
1960 Stud Lark 4 door, parts car $75, you move. Also a box of British
coins. York Co. 717-456-5858.
Tractor Magneto repair, most makes, fast service. Call Gil Hillsinger,
Carroll Co. MD 410-795-3734.
2 Farmall cubs 1947, 1957 w/attachments both in very good cond. and they
run very well. Mont. Co. 215-540-1921.
2 HD5G loaders for parts or make 1 good machine. York Co. 717-862-3356.
Restored A.C. ‘B’ adj. wide front, $2600, A.C. ‘C’ $1150 Farmall ‘H’ ex.
cond., has super kit, $2000. N’hampton Co. 610-588-7545.
Restored Oliver HG42 crawler serial #56GA070 $3200 5HP 30 gallon air
compressor w/10HP Kohler gas engine $700. York Co. 717-862-3946.
John Deere 1050 w/JD loader 4 wheel drive. Pin coupler for 35 Kobelco
Excavator. Lanc. Co. 717-445-4667.
Single cyl. engine, Maytag with original Maytag script spark plug.
Starts easy. $150 firm. Lanc. Co. 717-859-3374.
Super C wide front front cultivator collector corn planter, mounted fert
side dresser, all new paint. Lycoming Co. 570-323-9142.
John Deere 3010 W/F gas runs good tires good $3900. Cumb. Co. 609-703-8258.
Oliver 70 row crop, good tin, side hoods, spokes, rear tires, good hyd
lift, PTO, $1650 after 8 p.m. Morris Co. 908-879-5760.
Oliver 77 gas w/New Idea loader. Oliver 88 gas Oliver 1755 complete
overhaul on motor & injection pump. Monroe Co. 570-992-6295.
JD-L engine, radiator, $250, MT-JD wheel weights, $100 pair, Farmall BN
1946, restored, new tires, seat, $2900. Mont. Co. 610-970-2590.
JD 40 crawler, 3 roller w/blade counter wts & snow shoe treads (snow
machine) VG cond. $4800. Mont. Co. 6109-940-2668.
JD 50 JD 60 JD 70 all have factor 3pt JD620 3pt paver steering new
tires, JD 5 JD 8 JD 10 mowers. Butler Co. 724-283-0196.
International hough H-50C 4x4 pay loader, 1382 orig. hours, 6 cyl.
diesel, foam filled tires, gerat snow mover. $6,500 obo. Perry Co.
International 350 utility tractor P/S, F/H, $2295, Farmall Super C F/H,
w/7’ sycle mower, $1595, International 300 utility tractor F/H, $1595.
Bradford Co. 570-395-3364.
IH Eng for sale 6HP 1937 mod $500; NI super sheller for sale new no
auger $500. Lyc. Co. 570-323-9097.
Int 300 utility parts Farmall H parts Int 3 point 7 ft sickle bar mower
$500; Fasthitch cultivator $150. Somerset Co. 814-634-5588.
IH 1 pt fast hitch 14’’-2 bottom plow cub sickle bar mower snow plow
cults Cub power plant elect start, runs good. Dauphin Co. 717-649-2493.
I.H. balanced head mower model 110 mechanical drive, 7’ & 5’ bar side
mount, fits super A-140 and super C-240, excellent condition. $350 obo.
N.J. Warren Co. 908-689-1483.
Complete cable wrench for John Deere 450 dozer $1,600. Bucks Co.
215-257-7262. [even Snap-on tools aren't that expensive. Maybe it is a
"Cable Winch"?]
Ford Golden Jubilee with commercial loader, good condition, $4500 obo.
Allis Chalmers Model C with cultivators, $1500 obo. Bucks Co. 215-679-9436.
For sale BSA motor cycles. Wanted Antique cars and motorcycles & old
Porches. York Co. 717-968-5080. [an old porch? maybe another typo?]
Ford 1100 compact tractor 2 cyl diesel 3pt hitch Hi-Lo range $1600 w/6’
finish mower $2100. Salem Co. NJ 856-455-5605. [these are pretty nice
little tractors, but are only 2WD, so they tend to be sold cheap]
Fast hitch mower, $275; Bobcat 610 skid loader, $2,900; Mustasng 1000
skid steer, $2,900; Ford 340 skid loader, $2,400; Four Ford 1934 spoke
wheels, $100. 717-354-9144. [the prices is right on the little 340 skid
loader, if it is in good shape. I would very much like to have one.]
Farmall H tractor needs paint good metal new manifold $1200 obo. Chester
Co. 610-857-2644.
Farmalls all run 1940 H 1959 340 tri all orig. 1957 230 needs paint
H7100 340 $4000 230 $2200 neg. Wayne Co. 570-224-4319.
Ferguson 20 tractor Ser. No. 52140, good to restore, good metal, motor
should be overhauled, it runs. $1,695. Tioga Co. 570-724-1397.
Farmall cub with snow plow, PTO, draw bar, runs good, new battery,
$1,500. Cub LoBoy, $1,300. Bucks Co. 267-566-5116.
Farmall “C” clean straight tractor in exc mech cond., rear tires 95%
field ready or easy restoration w/wo cults $1550. Berks Co. 610-944-9162.
Selling for health reasons, superior collection of Farmall “H” tractor
parts best offer over $1,500. Monroe Co. 610-681-6474.
Gravely walk behind w/32’’ Brush head elec. start needs new battery
$250. Balt. Co. 410-592-7946.
A-C D-14 wide front, w/A-C trip bucket loader. $2500. Leb. Co. 717-865-6860.
Mike Sloane
Allamuchy NJ
Email: (mikesloane at verizon.net)
Website: <http://www.geocities.com/mikesloane>
Tractor images: <www.fotki.com/mikesloane>
Work: none - retired
"When our resources become scarce, we fight over them. In managing our
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- WANGARI MAATHAI, of Kenya, winner of the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize.
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