[AT] Antique Tractor Gas Tank sealer
jfgrant at triton.net
Tue Nov 9 18:17:53 PST 2004
Dean, I had very good luck with some stuff I got from J.C. Whitney. I had
the tank off and flushed with water several times to get the fumes out. Then
I ventilated the tank with the air nozzle-hose. I them tossed in some small
bolts etc. and then shook the tank for some time to remove/loosen up any
stuff that would come loose. Shook that stuff out and repeated the flushing
with water. Then dried with air again. Dumped the entire contents of the can
from Whitney into the tank. Plugged all the inlets/outlets and rolled the
tank about so that all the tank was covered with this sealer. Drained out
the remaining and let dry several days. Have not had a leak since. I had
enough left for several more tanks. Gave the remainder to a fellow in the
club and he has passed it on to others. Should do about 4-6 tanks. I don't
remember the name of the product by I found it under the "tank sealer"
section of the Whitney catalog.
Regards. JG
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dean VP" <deanvp at att.net>
To: <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>; "AT JD"
<antique-johndeere at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 4:22 PM
Subject: [AT] Antique Tractor Gas Tank sealer
>I have soldered up the holes in my 1953 JD 60 gas tank (20 Gallon) but to
> make sure I have truly fixed it all. I would like to put a sealer inside.
> The tank actually looks pretty good inside as the rust out occurred from
> the
> outside in. But before I put a sealer inside I need to prepare the inside
> surface. At least get rid of the oily film and gas residue.
> I've talked to a few motorcycle shops that sell the "Kreme" product but it
> comes in packages for two gallon applications and to do a 20 gallon tank
> is
> prohibitively expensive.
> I've also contacted a classic auto restoration repair and parts dealer who
> sells a product for sealing a 25 gallon tank for $20 a quart or a complete
> etching and sealing kit for $49.95.
> In the conversation with this supplier he also suggested that I could get
> the tank boiled out at a radiator shop. I contacted a radiator shop and
> their minimum for a gas tank was $130.00. "WOW"
> What suggestions might any of you have who have been down this road?
> Dean A. Van Peursem
> Snohomish, WA 98290
> I'm a walking storeroom of facts..... I've just lost the key to the
> storeroom door
> www.deerelegacy.com
> http://members.cox.net/classicweb/email.htm
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