[AT] Some ads from the 11/6 Lancaster Farming

Mike Sloane mikesloane at verizon.net
Tue Nov 9 15:22:08 PST 2004

Some of the more interesting ads from the (free to subscribers) Mailbox 
Markets section of the weekly Lancaster (PA) Farming newspaper for 
11/6/2004. For the full listing, go to <www.lancasterfarming.com>. [my 
comments, if any, are in brackets]

For Sale:

1450D Oliver; Nuffield 4/25; AC-C; Ford 8N; JD-B; IH-300; JD-520; Ford 
2000 w/fr/plow; portable welder; 350 Hills Bros. gravity wagon; JD-350 
mower; Clinton Co., 570-726-6641.

1923 5 horse power economy model H, runs good on original Wico Ek maz. 
exc. cond., $1000 obo. Centre Co. 814-238-6611.

1940 JD B needs restored, $1,200; tracks for JD 1010 or 440 crawler, 
$900; 9’ dump box, $450; Snyder Co., 570-966-4391.

1950 Farmall H looks & runs good, new paint & decals, $1400. Huntingdon 
Co. 814-664-4222.

450 International farm tractor, 3 point hitch, 4 new tires, very good 
shape. Columbia Co. 570-437-2583.

5 HP New Holland on cart restored evenings 717-463-3888.

5ft ramps with drop legs new, constructed of 3 in channel and 2 in angle 
iron, $200. Montgomery Co. 610-496-1375. I sure could use those - I have 
been getting buy with a couple of oak planks, but they have seen better 

8N Ford MF sickle mower posthole digger Farmall C, 3 pt cutharrow 135 MF 
tractor parts John Deere B Appaloosa horses. Burl. Co. NJ 609-265-8620.

AC 190 WFE, 3pt, gas, nice low hour original tractor, runs great, 
$4,000; AC 3 bot SC plow, $100; Frt hubs for Oliver 77, $100; F&H wheel 
wts, $100 pr. York Co. 717-887-4998.

Antique wagon seat International harvester corp, original green, paint 
with name, call 741-1720. York Co. 741-1720.

Case backhoe 580B, good condition, good tires, rollover canapy, 24” 
heavy duty back bucket, needs block, $3900. Salem Co. 856-691-0526.

Case C tractor, 1937 mechanically restored by Case dealer, older 
restoration, grey w/red cast wheels, runs excellent, $1,800 OBO, 
Lackawanna Co., evenings 570-563-2322.

Collector garden tractor, 1971 Cub Cadet, 127 12 H.P. hydrostatic w/42” 
mower, nice condition, well maintained, original owner, $950. Leb. Co. 

Cub Cadets 109 42” cut overhauled engine, driveshaft, $750, 102 38” deck 
restored, very nice, $850, 105, $500, 106, $225. Lycoming Co. 570-435-0647.

Farmall 130 nice Farmall cub, new paint, Farmall 560 w/loader, needs 
work, Oliver 550, nice Farmall Super A, Farmall C, Oliver 1750, no 
engine. Cumb. Co.

Farmall 300 front-end loader w/all hydraulics, no PTO or hitch, engine 
runs fine, needs steering work and tires, $1,400. Lancaster Co. 

Farmall 300 utility PS fast hitch TA nice $3,800; Row crop 300 fast 
hitch PS TA nice $1,995; 1957 Cub nice. Salem Co. NJ 856-694-2396.

Farmall 340, runs good, new paint $2,500; Farmall 674, gas, runs good, 
$4,000 obo. Montgomery Co. 610-845-7602.

Farmall A runs good elect. start charges good Woods L-59 mower snow plow 
tire chains $1650. Bucks Co. 267-566-5116.

Farmall air cleaner screens for W-30 10-20 F-20 T-20 I-12 0-12 W-12 etc. 
$18 ea; or 6 for $90. P/N M-11948 Blair Co. 814-696-3377.

Farmall F-12 Fairway 12 I-12 O-12 W-12 parts radiators air cleaners, 
generator bskt, W-12 starter kit, Cyl heads, F. wheels, dual rear 
wheels, many other parts. Blair Co. 814-696-3377.

Farmall H tractor 1948, PTO driven, 6 foot brush hog, hydraulic lift, 
wide and narrow front ends. $2500. Leb. Co. 717-865-7456.

Farmall M w/factory wide-front exc running, needs paint $2850; CIH 943 
4-row c. head good cond. $2,000. Leb. Co. 717-270-7048.

Ford 9N tractor with rear blade cools and runs great, $3600. Chester Co. 

Fordson super major ex. cond., $4200, cider press, $425, snow blade, 11’ 
truck, $350, 8N hood, $100. Tioga Co. 570-724-3474.

Grey Farmall F-20 Centennial pedal tractor in mint condition. $400 firm. 
Less than 1,000 made. Lebanon Co. 717-865-3253.

IH 656 WF 3pt exc. cond., IH 140 w/Woods mower, IH 404 utility 3pt 
Farmall M, nice Farmall Super H, restored. Bedford Co. 814-766-3715.

IH SA $2750 02 GMC C6500 dump $3600; Cusr 4550 cralwer loader $17,500; 
180 Royer top soil screener $4750. Mont. Co. 215-646-6951.

Int. backhoe 3400 hydro needs hyd pump $2250; Cat 955L avg. condition 
$15,500. Perry Co. 717-834-9861.

J.D. 1010RU-Ser# 36284 3pt fenders, r. weights, PA wheels, rear hyd 
outlets with valve, $4200, B.O., J.D. 40, $3000. Carroll Co. 410-374-6493.

J.D. LA $3200, JD LA with mower plow and cultivator, $3700, JD L, $5000, 
JD LI, 95,000. Mogan Co. 1-304-258-1159.

Jacobsen Fairway mower, L.F. diesel, 4x4, 9 ft. cut, $2500, Ford tractor 
model 1920 4x4 diesel, $8,000, 1 remote. Tioga Co. 570-549-5731.

JD 1010 Tractor special gas 3 pt PTO many new parts serial RVS good 
rubber no leaks $3100. Bucks Co. 215-493-4108.

JD 1950 MT, new paint, radiator, hydraulic rebuilt tires, ecl., $3,000 
obo. Plow and weights, also for sale. Bucks Co. 215-257-8536.

JD A cyclone for sale, ser. # 665329, older restoration, runs nice, rear 
red and white combination, light, $3500. York Co. 717-324-2351.

John Deere backhoe $500 bad bearing for parts or can be restored. Warren 
Co. 908-454-6046.

John Deere front weights for 10-20 series tractor JD 70 PS 3pt Ford 9-N, 
Farmall Super C, fast hitch. Butler Co. 724-283-0196.

Massey Harris 33 NF factory, 3 pt. with toplink, $1,600; front axle 
weights for AC B $125. Somerset Co. 814-662-2417.

Massey-Harris No. 34 2-way 3-pt plow for M-H, Colt, Mustang, 22. MD 

Oliver Super 55 whole or parts $1500; Oliver 77 Ind whole or parts $800; 
Heston mower Massey Ferguson rake parts. Clfd. Co. 814-378-5568.

Silver King tractor model 42 with cultivator, good sheet, metal engine 
stuck restore or parts, best offer. Schuylkill Co. 570-682-9725.

Vacuum A-V cultivators, Cub cultiavtors, rotary-hoe, snake shanks, “M” 
G-tank, W-H front 42’’ lade, Hillers, Planet Jr. shovels, cutlivator, 
spinner, IH pullys, decoys, primitives. Salem Co. NJ 856-358-8625.

WC AC w/front end loader, Gravely Comm, yellow; Gravely attachments, 
1935, 1936 1 1/2T, Chevy Enc. w/Trans., clutch assembled, snow plow. 
Schuylkill Co. 570-366-2729.

Wide front with extra front axle to fit Allis W-D-45, $600. Allis W-D 
tractor engine, loose, $500. After 5:00 PM. Lebanon Co. 717-949-8196.

Mike Sloane
Allamuchy NJ
mikesloane at verizon.net
Images: <www.fotki.com/mikesloane>

The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always 
so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts. -Bertrand
Russell, philosopher, mathematician, author, Nobel laureate (1872-1970)

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