[AT] Farmall A? question

Michael Miller sweetcorn70 at hotmail.com
Mon May 31 14:35:46 PDT 2004

I have a 1940 A, serial number 23306 which uses the dzus type fastener.


>From: "Terry & Carolyn Welshans" <welshans2 at comcast.net>
>Reply-To: Antique tractor email discussion group 
><at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
>To: <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
>Subject: Re: [AT] Farmall A? question
>Date: Mon, 31 May 2004 15:29:18 -0500
>Ivan said:
> >>>>>>>>>>
>Terry, According to Guy Fay the B was produced starting in 1940, shared the
>serial # with the A.   B + BN first year production was 12,764.   1940
>serial # started with 6744  and went to 41499.  The dzus was used on the
>early ones as was the choke cable kill switch. Just exactly when they
>switched  I don't know. I've heard of them on some of the 40s.  Your # fits
>in as a 40 .  Casting codes can put it to an approximate yr.   The B should
>have a code on the engine a few inches under the mag. The format is
>month-day-yr   so yours should end with the letter J.
>Ever had the governor apart?  There is a spring in the end of the governor
>gear with a pin that fits inside and pushes up against a button on the
>housing.  Or do you have the type with the pin that is pressed into the
>housing ?   Dont know the significance  but there is a difference.  Sure
>makes the parts guys shake their heads.    Ivan
> >>>>>>>>>>>
>The original block has the same serial number as the tractor. That block 
>cracked on the water jacket behind the manifold and I replaced it with the
>block from a 1948 model C that a list member who lives near by sold to me.
>I will dig the old block out of the shed and see what date it has on it.
>Yes, I removed the governor and took it apart.  It has the spring and pin 
>the end of the shaft.
>I bought a parts and service manual on a CD from a guy who scanned them.
>This sure makes it easy as I just print up a new page when I get too much
>oil, dirt or grease on the one in the shop.  The parts book shows thw
>governor spring and pin, so it must be an early one that he scanned.
>Regards, Terry Welshans
>Homer Glen, Illinois
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>Mark Twain (1835-1910)
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