[AT] Farmall tractor
charlie hill
chill8 at cox.net
Sat May 1 17:42:07 PDT 2004
And that is a problem?? grins. Lynn does tell me about a tractor every now
and then but it has to be when someone tells her. She doesn't really know
what she is looking at unless she sees orange paint. I went to Goldsboro
this afternoon to an antique tractor pull that got rained out but I met a
fellow there who is from Frederick MD and deals in a lot of AC stuff. He
came down to pull and to deliver an RC he sold to someone from Statesville
who was to meet him there in Goldsboro.
The guys name is Paul Barnsley. Ever run into him? He's a small fellow
about 5'8 or 9 and maybe 150 lbs. Drives an older Dodge diesel that is
white with the paint peeling off of it. He said he was at the Gathering of
the Orange at Winchester and had a CA there with a mounted grain drill. I
think I remember seeing it. He calls himself "The Wizard of Orange"
orangewizard at webtv.com. Said he had posted some for sale stuff on ATIS
classified and hangs out on AllisChalmers.com and the unofficial AC site.
Nice fellow. He explained to me how to turbo charge a 4 cyl allis engine
using a foreign car turbo. Said he had a CA fixed that way and it really
turned on the power.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Cecil E Monson" <cmonson at hvc.rr.com>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 5:23 PM
Subject: Re: [AT] Farmall tractor
> > Cecil do you realize what a good woman you have there!!?? grins.
> >
> > Charlie
> Yeah, Charlie, she seems to like buying tractors. The problem
> with her is she never wants me to sell any of them. I like to buy and
> sell when the mood strikes me.
> Cecil
> --
> The nicest thing about telling the truth is you never have to wonder
> what you said.
> Cecil E Monson
> Lucille Hand-Monson
> Mountainville, New York Just a little east of the North Pole
> Allis Chalmers tractors and equipment
> Free advice
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