[AT] OT garden rototiller

Ralph Goff alfg at sasktel.net
Sun May 30 09:30:52 PDT 2004

Cecil, I see things are slightly more advanced in the garden in your part of
the world. The only plants showing out of the ground here are a few potatos
that have been in the ground for a month waiting on rain and heat. Well we
finally got the rain , over 3 inches in the past week.
I managed to get most of the garden planted on a "semi dry" day this past
week. I'd been going 'zero till' on the first planting back when it was
still so dry . Thinking that cultivation would only dry out the already
powder dry topsoil of the garden. Plus, the only weeds growing were a
scattering of winter annuals at that time.
But last week I got the MTD 5 hp rear tine tiller going, mainly to dry out
the ground . It was pretty hard packed after the rain and I was no longer
concerned about losing moisture. I could have used the 3 point mounted
cultivator on the Cockshutt 40 but figured the ground would pack pretty hard
under the tractor tires. (Bad enough with just my size 12 boots following
the tiller)
As others have commented, for between row cultivation a rototiller is
necessary. I set my row spacing fairly wide to accomodate the tiller ,
allowing a little extra for when the leaves spread out later on.
For in-row weeds its either hand weeding or the hoe. I use the dutch hoe
which is easier and causes less soil disturbance.

Ralph in Sask.

----- Original Message -----
From: Cecil E Monson <cmonson at hvc.rr.com>
To: Antique tractor email discussion group <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2004 7:27 AM
Subject: Re: [AT] OT garden rototiller

> Charlie has hit the nail right on the head with his post. Rototilling
> the garden is just fine but it won't get rid of the weeds that are the
> trouble.
> Oh yes, the question was about a tiller to use behind your tractor -
> I don't think I would. I'd rather use some of the old horse drawn stuff
> my old tractors. Makes the days brighter somehow. Think about it.
> Cecil

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