[AT] Fwd: 10 Years!!!! Portland , IN 2004

Dean VP deanvp at att.net
Sat May 1 22:43:30 PDT 2004


Thanks for the invite and great tribute to the ATIS members over the years.
I sure wish we could make it some time. We were in Moline, IL in March, have
to be in NW IA in June and I just don't see how we could make another trip
in August too. @#$%^&

But anyway, the link to the show has a little problem. Try this link. It
works better:


Dean A. Van Peursem
Snohomish, WA 98290

A failure establishes only this, that our determination to succeed was not
strong enough.--John Christian Bovee



-----Original Message-----
From: at-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com
[mailto:at-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com] On Behalf Of steve sewell
Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 8:54 PM
To: at at lists.antique-tractor.com
Cc: antique-johndeere at lists.antique-tractor.com
Subject: [AT] Fwd: 10 Years!!!! Portland , IN 2004

>10 years ago I talked the two people on the list that I most wanted to 
>meet into going to Portland , IN to the Tri-State Gas Engine and Tractor 
>show. They were Brice Adams and Spencer Yost. I went up to the show with 
>my MM 445 on Thursday and camped out in an area that is now the middle of 
>the sale area. Around 2 AM on Friday there was a knock at the door of my 
>supercab truck that I was sleeping in. I opened the door and the road 
>weary fellow out side ask " Are you Steve? I'm Spencer - where is the 
>nearest head?" . (-;  Brice Adams and a few others showed up that Friday 
>at noon by my MM 445 and we went to lunch.
>That is how the annual ATIS Portland meeting got started 10 years ago - It 
>has tended to grow a bit since then! (-;
>So what is the Tri-State Gas Engine and Tractor show in Portland, IN?? One 
>of the largest shows in the world - hundreds of tractors, thousands on 
>engines on display - acres of related stuff for sale. Check out their web 
>site  http://www.adamswells.com/tristate
>Aug 25 - 29 , 2004 are the show dates, alot of us show up the Sat and Sun 
>before to set up, camp and look around as you will NOT see it all in a few 
>I would really like to make this Aug special and have more ATIS members at 
>the show than ever before. SO, you left coast folks (Richard Walker, 
>Smitty, Ira, Don, Dean, and all the rest) start making 
>plans!!!!!!  Overseas folks we want you here - ask Reg, Helen, and others 
>that have been here - we are right friendly .
>Both the tractor group and engine group have events and space reserved at 
>the show. We need to know in advance so we can save you a space.
>If you want to show/display
>Tractors - contact Steve Sewell   sewell at ohio.edu
>Engines - contact Dave Rotigel    rotigel at alltel.com
>If you want to camp  (This is the BEST way to see all the show and meet 
>your ATIS friends) Lots of food on the grounds by service groups like the 
>Lions clubs, church groups and such, Cheap ($5.00 will buy you a meal) 
>Breakfast is served a 5 AM. So all you really need is a tent and sleeping 
>bag as the camp ground has really nice showers.
>Tractor Wagonmaster - Gene Dotson  gdotsly at loganrec.com
>Engine Wagonmaster - Leroy Clark  oldengin at udata.com
>Thursday night - Back Forty restaurant in Decatur, In  All ATIS dinner, 
>good , all you can eat food for less than $20.00 a person. Contact Dave 
>Rotigel  rotigel at alltel.com  so we can give the restaurant a head count - 
>no money need to be sent.
>Engine folks have a cookout/beer tasting on Friday night at the camping 
>area. Group pictures are taken every day of the show at the display area ~ 
>11:30 AM.
>Tractor folks go out to eat at a local restaurant in Portland on Wed night 
>( the Mexican last year) , have a group photo taken on Friday at 11:30AM 
>at the tractor display then retreat to the camping area for a picnic lunch 
>provided  by the Brown family.
>If you receive this e-mail you are a member of the ATIS family and are 
>invited to all the events!!!!
>So do it now!!  Put in for the time off, buy the airline tickets, rent the 
>camper, get the tractor/engine running and painted. Be there in August - 
>if not someday your grand kids will ask you why you missed the 10th 
>Hope to see you ALL in August at Portland , IN.
>- Steve
>Steve Sewell
>Albany, Ohio USA
>sewell at atis.net
>sewell at ohio.edu

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