[AT] Tractor people are special/different

George Willer gwill at toast.net
Mon Mar 8 11:50:37 PST 2004


I wholeheartedly agree with meeting any ATIS member when it's possible.
I've made it a point to do so, and I've been really blessed by new friends
as a result.  At one time, I was keeping a log and recording every
meeting... but I haven't done so for a couple years.  I just searched the
old log out.  None of those who came to the Cub Fest are recorded.  Even so,
there have been 18 ATIS members here, some more than once.  I've visited 5
at their place, and have met 58 at shows.  So I can safely say I've put at
least 75 faces with the names.

Every one has been a pleasure!

George Willer

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Billy Hood" <aggie1967 at msn.com>
To: "at" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 2:07 PM
Subject: [AT] Tractor people are special/different

Drove up to Winnsboro Saturday to help Lake Country Club build a set of
tractor pull scales.  I had helped build two sets, so was elected resident
expert.  They volunteered coffee and lunch so I could not loose.

There were 5 of us laying out and welding the scales and in a little while
several others showed up to supervise.  There was an Allis tore down in the
shop and a couple of JD pony motors so if they got tired of kibutzing about
the scales, they had other things to keep them busy.  About 15 showed up for
beans, cornbread, and hot dogs for lunch.  It was a beautiful Saturday with
sunshine and 70 degree weather.   Sitting around talking about haul trucks,
tractors, wet ground and other good "stuff". made for a very enjoyable day.
Reminded me of Portland around the fire--we just did not build a fire.  Then
I noticed that the shop owner had a oilfield heater-treater base in front of
the shop for a fire pit.  Next time I go up to his shop, I will build the

They finished their new sled last fall and I guessed I missed the fun of the
late nights working on it.  I have some great memories of working or our
club's raffle tractors, scales, sled and other club's projects.  Tractor
folks are just good people--some we just haven't met yet.  O yeah, we did
finish the scales, just need some primer and paint.


I second someone's comment about meeting other members of the lists-If you
get a chance, drop by and visit or set up a meeting at a local or regional
show.   We used to set up an ATIS banner at Temple show and park our
tractors together and sit under the shade and swap lies/stories.  Still lots
of you that I would enjoy meeting.
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