[AT] My little tractor pull game

CEE VILL cvee60 at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 4 16:26:17 PST 2004

Great start.  Took three tries to to learn what was needed to win.  The bad 
news is that I had to go to Mountainville and borrow an orange tractor.

Charlie V.

>From: "David A. Laughead Jr." <daljr at bright.net>
>Reply-To: Antique tractor email discussion group 
><at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
>To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
>Subject: [AT] My little tractor pull game
>Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2004 17:24:39 -0500
>Ok so a few months ago one night I got really bored. I start thinking to
>myself, I really wish we had a tractor pull game to play. With not much 
>finding one, I set out to create one. Not an overly easy task for someone
>who knows very little about programming. I grabbed my trusty Qbasic for
>dummies book and began playing with simple lines of code. Eventually I came
>up with an extremly crude game. Though far from finished I have a small
>working model for the game. Ya'll can download my game useing this link...
>This is a self extracting zip file. Just download it and run the file. It
>will come up with a prompt with some simple directions. Basically it will
>create a new directory on the c:\ drive called tpsim. It creates 2 files in
>this folder. Once the unzip is completed just goto the c:\tpsim directory
>and double click on tpsim4.exe to play the game. After you play the game 
>the first time a 3rd file is created in the same directory that keeps track
>of your wins and losses. You must play at least one complete round to exit
>the game. Actually the only way to exit the game is to complete a round and
>when the prompt asks AGAIN? slect Y to play again or N to quit. The game
>only takes seconds to complete anyway so its no biggie.
>Yes before I get slammed with ?s I know some of my data is wrong on the
>tractors included I will fix them as I figure out the right specs for them 
>went by what info I had availible to me at the time and some I adjusted for
>This game only works on PCs. You need windows to run the zip file. After
>that you could even run the game from DOS. If you don't feel confident with
>finding your way through directories(folders) in windows, its probably not 
>good idea to try to play this game. I have to work tonight so I won't be
>here to answer anyones ?s if the game doesn't work.
>One other note, the game MUST!!!! be located in c:\tpsim or you will only
>get an error and it will not run.
>Have Fun,
>Dave Laughead
>Arcanum, Ohio
>AT mailing list

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